To be fair, that's more than two words
To be fair, that's more than two words
To be fair, that's more than two words
High Voltage-Direct Current (HVDC)-transmission facility:
! hashad an ongoing meme conquest for memes facilitating the word Anlage, which either means facility or investment.
Warum ist das Fugen-S in Klammern? Es ist in diesem Fall nicht optional, da das vorausgehende Wort auf -ung endet.
wrsl damit die direkte übersetzung ins englische einfacher zu verstehen ist
Anlage also means attachement i.e. a file attached to an E-Mail
Not anymore ongoing :/
Guys honestly how can dyslexic people read these "words"
I would argue since that is a compound word it is actually much easier to read since you know how the parts are supposed to be spoken. If that makes sense 😅
Got another one for you: Mehrlagensichtfensterklotzbodenbeutel The bag some cookies come in.
Tf is a Klotzboden
I don't have an official diagnosis...just tendencies and I'm and english native speaker, but I didn't have any problems with german monster words when i was learning german because they don't really look similar enough plus when you're reading you just kind of slow down on the big words you don't know and figure them out or look them up. I found the german convention of capitalizing of all nouns really helpful too for reading. Yes, i realize i didn't even capitalize everything i was supposed to in english 😁
There are no people with dyslexia in Germany. The Kaiser implemented these super long words as a eugenics project to eliminate them. It is a very dark part of our history only few people know about 😔
I know it's a joke, but with the level of scrutiny Germany has attracted for its dark history there's litle chance people wouldn't have heard of it by now ;-)
I literally can't see the word it's just a jumble of letters
I had dyslexia as a kid and long words freaked me out especially. I never realized that this isn't a thing for kids in other languages. But honestly: while they have a shock value, they aren't that common really
You'll get used to it.
The really long ones are a pain to say to as well. You're kind of Strangling your self trying not too paus in the middle of a word. Only a problem for the awfuly ridiculous ones thought.
I'm in this picture, and I like it.
I thought it looked like some form of artilleri but apparently it's just a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggning (in swedish) so nothing to dangerous.
Hmmm... I wonder what the elevatorpitch for a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektriker is?
Hello! I'm the Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektrikersanställningsansvarige. Would you like to work as a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggn..."
No sorry, I have to go.
But it's a amazing workplace; Steve, our Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektrikersarbetsplatssäkerhetsavdelningsledare, will take...
[Screamd while dashing for the elevator exit]
Do you also want to use a language with so beautifuly convoluted words? Then Swedish ™ might be the language for you!
Here are some of the most common words to get you started:
Haven't you heard there is a Högspänningslikströmsöverföringsanläggningservicelektrikerstrejk going on!
Whatever a Hockspannungstromübertragungsanlage is, I see it as enlightened that the Germans haven't developed a simple word for it. Looks nasty.
Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragungsanlage. But I have to admit defeat here, Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragung does get abbreviated as HGÜ, so almost nobody would write Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragungsanlage but rather HGÜ-Anlage, even if Hochspannungsgleichstromübertragungsanlage is a perfectly cromulent word.
High Voltage DC transmission system. So, not overly sinister, and probably needed.
Never thought about how many ways you can translate Anlage.
Anlage: Look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power!
You missed the gleich.
High voltage direct current "transfer" device.
Or simply a transformer.
There was a Youtube short I can't find again, that was like "It's a halmmensheizer. It sheizes halmmen! This is a Flaffenkuugler, it kuugles flaffen! This is a fokker. It. FOKKS!" I am reminded of it.
"It doesn't really Gustav Schwerer's because it's really not that feasible" got me pretty good.
That's the one!
This is today's version of "Eskimos (Inuit, I know, but that's not how the memes went) have __40 __65 250( insert your number, it won't be wrong) words for snow. This is for the same reason and is now largely known as wrong.
The problem is even German people (I live in Germany) also believe that they have a larger more expressive language than (for example) English... When it isn't true. German has either 5.3 million++ words or 135,000 depending on how you count them. In reality you can endlessly combine words in German together, but it very rarely makes it a "new word".
This is also largely responsible for why more English words have a Romance root than a Germanic one. English's Germanic words tend to be counted as their base and get combined as phrases, while its Romance words are more likely to get double counted in compound words or variants of different forms being counted as separate words.
If you compare german non-compund words with their english translation the german words tend to do be a bit longer on average. I think the same also goes for the word-count in german sentences
English has more auxiliary words so I think in word count, English as more words in a sentence.
"Germansawordforthathave." bro they just twopreexistingwordsshovedtogether to makeanewword. Thatwecando too.
It's called lyrical art and I think it's beautiful.
I mean it’s like a built in parentheses from a functional pov. Saves parsing out what bag of words is grouped.
It works best with nouns, we even use suffixes like -ung and -heit to turn other words into nouns first.
Guten Tag
Hallo und hereinspaziert, junger Mensch.
Was machen ihre Anlagen so?
Is that a warning for people with güten intolerance? Bc i'm pretty intolerant to these gutens
Isn't that the safe word from Club Vandersexxx??
Was wird mit den Enten gemacht?
Into the pot they go
The one I learned was Hottentottenpotentatentantenattentat - the assassination of the Hottentot head of state's aunt
Sterf haha
Schifffahrt is spelled with triple-f since 1996.
Not the Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft though, as it's referring to a company which was established prior to 1996.
Do you mean until 1996? Looked it up on and there it's only "Schiffahrt" with the mention you wrote it "Schifffahrt" in the past.
Laughs in Finnish
To be fair, Finns suck with yhdys sana's
Oh you're talking about people who don't know how to write properly? Yeah, some Finns have problems with that, given how common compound words are.
Finnish sounds cute.
a hog who's a hedge fund manager
I love how that's an example of an English word that shoves two existing words together while German uncharacteristically has its own word for it: Igel.
We probably do that because English has a lot of German
I know at least one; window. You took that from the Swedish word vindöga, wind eye, that means the same thing as window. But it's no longer used in Swedish as it doesn't really make sense since we have windows made of glass now and not just holes in the wall