Not hiding it
Not hiding it
Not hiding it
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Hiding what?
AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Seems obvious from the name, no?
What I do find strange is that they don't need to register as a foreign entity.
It doesn't say anything about the DNC. Are you sure you read all the words present here?
I guess the implication is that the DNC picks who goes on to the general elections, which kinda makes sense for their party. I don't think that was necessarily a massive leap in logic either.
But hey we all figure things out at different paces, hostility is unnecessary.
The DNC didn't select them, those picks won the primaries. The voters picked them.
lol HRC beat the shit out of Sanders. Cope harder.
Because she only ever needed about 30% of the vote in the primaries to win. Unpledged delegates made that the case, and they all fell in line with Hillary. Then heavily advertising the disadvantage Sanders is at in delegates to depress the Sanders vote.
My state is a good example of this - Sanders got over half the votes and Hillary got 35%, which is why Hillary only got one more delegate than he did in my state.
Weapons-grade copium
You first.
It's weird. It's usually the people who don't understand how primaries work who are the ones to think the popular vote picks the president. Glad to see you understand at least one part of the electoral process.