The american public did nazi that one
The american public did nazi that one
The american public did nazi that one
He was literally accused of sabotage by the Nazis on multiple occasions and actively attempted to assassinate their leader.
again, i've explained this. the plot to assassinate hitler was not an antifascist plot. it was a fascist plot by fascists to gain control of the war machine because they believed they could run the war better than hitler.
and show me where he "actively attempted to assassinate" hitler. you probably think rommel was a secret defector too, or some shit.
because they believed they could run the war better than hitler.
Dornberger was literally accused of running the war poorly on purpose multiple times, tha fuq?
so you cant show me when he actively tried to assassinate hitler then. got it.
can you show me some info about him being accused of sabotage? i'd like to read more.
so you've got nothing. just lies. cool.
that's just you asserting stuff. please find me sources on this if you want to be taken seriously.
lmao, even if I sent you articles it would still be your job to vet the information regardless. You have names of people and plots. Search them. You want dates, too? 13 March 1943, July 20th 1944.
You've done absolutely nothing but sit here and insult me while providing no argument for your stance, the very definition of Ad Hominem Fallacy and bad faith discussion.
yes, those are two assassination attempts on hitler. i've not been able to find anything online that links dornberger to this. why are you concealing your sources, i'd love to read more about this.
I've not concealed anything, I've shared far more than you have. Dornberger was implicated in the plot by the Nazis which led to his immediate replacement by Kammler in overseeing the rocketry program. While not officially a part of the anti-nazi resistance, he has been photographed with several members of it including happily shaking hands with Erich Fellgiebel.
If he wasn't a part of the plot, then why did they replace him?
Pro tip:
If you don't wanna look like a Nazi sympathizer don't try to make the guy who definitely knew about slave labor building rockets as a good person.
If you DO want to look like one (as you appear to be trying hard for): well, at least you're making it easy to spot a Nazi?