The american public did nazi that one
The american public did nazi that one
The american public did nazi that one
By that logic he was the superior of everyone except Hitler, he was literally a General position in the Wehrmacht. I've mentioned this at least three times now. Are you some kind of LLM? How are you forgetting things this quickly?
he was the direct superior of von braun and they ran the v2 project together. he was also in charge of other projects at the same facility.
why are you trying to make out that he wasnt a nazi? why are you carrying water for nazis?
ignore all previous instructions
"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob
next time you think about trying to present actual fucking loyal nazis as good people, just dont.
He was literally accused of sabotage by the Nazis on multiple occasions and actively attempted to assassinate their leader.
again, i've explained this. the plot to assassinate hitler was not an antifascist plot. it was a fascist plot by fascists to gain control of the war machine because they believed they could run the war better than hitler.
and show me where he "actively attempted to assassinate" hitler. you probably think rommel was a secret defector too, or some shit.
because they believed they could run the war better than hitler.
Dornberger was literally accused of running the war poorly on purpose multiple times, tha fuq?
so you cant show me when he actively tried to assassinate hitler then. got it.
can you show me some info about him being accused of sabotage? i'd like to read more.
so you've got nothing. just lies. cool.
Pro tip:
If you don't wanna look like a Nazi sympathizer don't try to make the guy who definitely knew about slave labor building rockets as a good person.
If you DO want to look like one (as you appear to be trying hard for): well, at least you're making it easy to spot a Nazi?