Firefighters are infinitely more based than cops even if some are reactionary.
Firefighters are infinitely more based than cops even if some are reactionary.
Firefighters are infinitely more based than cops even if some are reactionary.
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I have never seen cops sexualized like firefighters are, for good reason
It does happen but only in the sexy domineering policewoman angle and that's more about making the uniform into something skimpy and naughty, with the cop part being of less importance. Never the male cops.
I consider that sexualization in spite of occupation as men being sexualized is exceptional
That sounds totally correct tbh. Just a case of how women will be sexualised in literally any role you put them in.
There's the male stripper dressed as a cop for bachelorette party trope.
If we let fire fight fighters carry handcuffs they'd fade away.
yeah male stripper "cop" was a joke on psych, my guess would be that one has more cultural cache because we have a variety of non-cop dommy mommies.
Counterpoint: sexy lady cop outfit but it's a USSR soldier with thr cool hat
« "Who cares? Another dead cop, probably against gun control. They didn't give an [expletive] when kids were dying in that school shooting they stood outside," Newcomb wrote in a group chat, per 7News. »
« Newcomb's text message continued: "Cops exist for the government to exercise its monopoly on violence. They want the whole world to stop when one of theirs goes down. How many idiots I had to transport with honor guard their dead bodies from coronavirus because they all were too stupid to wear masks or get vaccinated? All cops are good for is protecting the rich property owners and the status quo. Everything else is a farce. [Expletive] the police ." »
I have had 2 Proffs who where FIre Fighters, and one was THE fire cheif of the city ... and he would constantly tell stories of how the police would respond to a fire first... park infront of the building and hydrent, and he would constantly chew the police out with "why do you constantly try to get here first, what are you going to do shoot the fire, that will do no good"
Thats because cops always look like thumb people wrapped in sausage casings