KDE is an open community of friendly people who want to create a world in which everyone has control over their digital life and enjoys freedom and privacy.
Today the KDE Community is announcing a new najor release of Plasma 6.0, and Gear 24.02. KDE Plasma is a modern, feature-rich desktop environment for Linux-based operating systems. Known for its sleek design, customizable interface, and extensive set of applications, it is also open source, devoid of ads, and makes protecting your privacy and personal data a priority.
With Plasma 6, the technology stack has undergone two major upgrades: a transition to the latest version of the application framework, Qt 6, and a migration to the modern Linux graphics platform, Wayland. They will continue providing support for the legacy X11 session for users who prefer to stick with it for now. The new version brings the new windows and desktop overview, improved colour management, a cleaner theme, more effects, better overall performance, and much more.
Well it does not even have to be fairly new, at least I do not consider my 8 years old PC as fairly new at all and it still is really good. As that is also one of the areas where Plasma has improved a lot during the years, they really have made it quite lightweight. Especially when considering how powerful and feature-full and configurable it is.
I tried it couple days ago as a (relatively) happy gnome user. Cannot install Chinese input method via gui, I also don't think there is gui for fingerprint registration either.
Just jumped back to gnome.
Personally, I enjoy gnome workflow, like GUI, hate system maintenance, and like to keep everything as vanilla as possible. And I think KDE is probably not for people like me.
Played with it a while ago. Nice looking but feels bloated in general. Mind you. I lean on pretty light Distros, KDEconnect and a few of their other apps are top tier, though.