Least reactionary aussie
Least reactionary aussie
Least reactionary aussie
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this guy is so ignorant and "all look same" racist that he has Mao confused with Pol Pot
China didn't start developing until years after Mao left office
during Mao's tenure China's life expectancy DOUBLED and from 1952-1978 there was 6.2% annnual growth. just chauvinist fantasies from this asshole
One of the biggest moments for me or realizing how propagandized westerners are is when I discovered how much improvement happened in the USSR and China under the "bad" leaders. These facts are not in dispute or being surpressed, but the western public is being effectively kept ignorant of them.
fascists and excusing their crimes because 'they made the trains run on time'
The dumbest part of that is that Mussolini's policies "made the trains run on time" by placing enormous pressures on the rail workers and eschewing maintenance and safe operating procedures, causing some marginal increase in normal punctuality at the cost of massively increasing deadly accidents and shutdowns from trains derailing.