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  • The english language one also references a book about how there was a failure to network the country for various reasons. There are all kinds of valid historical materialist criticisms of the soviet union but I'm not buying this pop history take about how bureaucrats were threatened by a cybernetic system that barely existed conceptually

    • The English version doesn't reference many things other than that book. The Russian version has a rather long list.

      but I’m not buying this pop history take about how bureaucrats were threatened by a cybernetic system that barely existed conceptually

      The whole history of USSR's demise consists of various bureaucratic groups perceiving any change as a threat.

      • Vague historical truisms are not really useful to anybody.

        This was over 50 years ago. We're talking about computers about as powerful as graphing calculators. Handing over planning to something like that is a ridiculous prospect. It wouldn't have saved the USSR.

        The USSR had an overly hefty tribute going to administration and industry, industry was too focused towards military, this planning structure was inflexible for various reasons including external pressure. USSR applied too much external pressure in turn, it supported an unsustainable development policy where third world countries were supposed to be develop in the context of an imperialist financial system with USSR serving as a counterbalance. It's because the USSR was so successful with parts of its planning that it was able to play this role IMO. Painting pretty broad strokes here.

        Maybe better computing devices would have helped them figure out their planning was not materialist, but semiconductors don't appear out of thin air. These days require extreme metallurgy, precision engineered parts like X ray mirrors & the tables which move chips to carve circuits. They recycle hydrogen gas to keep impurities out.

          • Let me give you a classic historical example of relatively good agricultural planning that still squandered its potential: irrigation with slightly salty Nile water destroying soil over time. Just a really broad analogy.

            Can't be too good at industrializing the country and also incapable of basic planning to the point a graphing calculator changes everything. They were the reason we had a space race bruh

            • They weren't that good at industrializing the country. Large part of it had been done by foreign engineers, large part of heavy machinery still in operation in 70s had been bought in 30s for gold, and some "taken" from Germany after 1945 as reparations.

              And, eh, what a certain machine will or will not change requires technical arguments. I'm not making statements requiring such, you do.

              Also if I did say the opposite of what you say, that'd be sort of supported by existence, again, of computerized networked control systems in USSR not intended for economic planning and exchange.

              • Before we continue, you need to go read Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze, a liberal historian who is still better than the dweebs you read.

                I'm not talking to someone who thinks the USSR needed to steal industry from the Nazis.

                The whole reason the USSR wiped the floor with them was their industrial production.

                Where did they get the tanks from?

                Did they buy all the tanks with gold lmao?

                • than the dweebs you read

                  How would you know whom I read really.

                  I’m not talking to someone who thinks the USSR needed to steal industry from the Nazis.

                  It obviously did. Only it was usually called trophies and reparations.

                  Did they buy all the tanks with gold lmao?

                  They did buy the "means of production", the actual production lines to make those tanks, equipment of those, with gold.

                  Also engineers who would instruct Soviet engineers.

                  Mostly, there would be some industrial equipment really produced in USSR and really used, but Soviet heavy industries relied on pre-war American and German equipment till 80s or something. Well, no piece of equipment can last forever.

                  Why are you arguing about that really? What's so shameful in buying stuff? You think a mostly agrarian country can just build modern industries from scratch? Well it can't.

                  About WWII:

                  They would receive industrial equipment through lend-lease as well, and materials, even steel. Not just cars or canned food or rubber.

                  • How would you know whom I read really.

                    I guess we'll never know if you don't post anything other than WIKIPEDIA 😇

                  • Being able to organize those technology transfers while developing a backwards tributary state is awesome I hope we can agree

                    It's the stalin sell grain buy factory build tank meme, I can't find it

                  • Why are you arguing about that really? What's so shameful in buying stuff? You think a mostly agrarian country can just build modern industries from scratch? Well it can't.

                    No that's ridiculous I just don't understand why that means they "weren't that good at industrializing really" lmao

              • I bet you're like three times my age and you still have Barnes and Noble browser history knowledge because you're rummaging around for political talking points about communism like "they squandered all the resources of great mother russia, the tsar would be so sad" "they couldn't industrialize, they bought all the equipment with gold, and were given it as pity after the USA singlehandedly defeated Hitler" like lmao

              • They weren't that good at industrializing the country. Large part of it had been done by foreign engineers, large part of heavy machinery still in operation in 70s had been bought in 30s for gold, and some "taken" from Germany after 1945 as reparations.

                Delusional and shifting the goalposts to boot. They weren't good at industrializing, they stole it, so it didn't count 🤣. What are you basing this off of, I wonder?

                And, eh, what a certain machine will or will not change requires technical arguments. I'm not making statements requiring such, you do.


                You don't talk to people. Nobody talks like this.

                I actually just gave you later examples of how computerized planning means jack shit in the face of external pressure, which is what the USSR was unable to withstand.

          • Okay so I have to back up my statements with spreadsheets, but you get to use vague historical truisms. I love talking to people online about history.

            • I'm just saying that USSR had systems capable of processing data necessary for centralized control of air defenses and nuclear missiles, in operation.

              And Soviet planning was sufficiently rough for computerization of that kind to be absolutely beneficial for it.

              Anyway, it's not even about processing, which would require machinery, because that could be done in large part by humans still, it's the idea of such an open exchange of data between institutions and ministries etc, which shot it down.

              A purely administrative reason.

              • I think you are overestimating how powerful the computing systems needed to operate air defense back then were. Some of that shit was pretty analog. Cybernetic systems are all about inputs & outputs,,, more complicated than just needing processing power. Go watch Eyewar 😎🦾⚙️👀🤩🤖!!!

                Chile is a later example that was visibly not saved by interest in cybernetics either. US Chicago School economists pushed for an intervention to overthrow Allende, rape and torture as many people as possible, then their moronic laissez faire economics that don't even understand what money are face planted. Chilean right wingers and modern Chicago Boys try to ignore that lol

                The thing abt it purely being lack of information transparency between different USSR organs resulting in inefficiencies doesn't strike me as a great historical approach, more trying to fit whatever you're talking about to a conclusion, in this case that bureaucratic obstruction alone led to the USSR being dissolved. The USSR was too good at industrializing.

                Again maybe seeing better statistics about agriculture may have hypothetically convinced them they need Maoism.

                Trying to boil everything down to a few interpretations of politics within the USSR is really missing the forest for the trees.

                Totally down to keep exchanging information about it long term as long as you don't say anything weirdly reactionary and get booted from this instance.

                Can't wait for your "N-no."

                response because you don't actually give a fuck about history, you want to keep inbox notifications at bay. Prove me wrong tho.

                You can always cite these examples you know instead of just linking to a Wikipedia article.

                You know Wikipedia is highly ideological and has major sourcing issues?

                Did you know many of your sources for information about the USSR are literally compromised by NATO intelligence? Simon Sebag Montefiore is in Jeffrey Epstein's contact book.

      • Mao Zedong thought would have saved the USSR's agricultural base