Between this and the capsaicin chip, maybe you should have some regulatory entity checking foods
Between this and the capsaicin chip, maybe you should have some regulatory entity checking foods
Between this and the capsaicin chip, maybe you should have some regulatory entity checking foods
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Also be careful with some of these energy drinks out there people, a Celsius has an insane amount of caffiene, like three red bulls for an 8.4oz
I want regular unhealthy snacks but I keep getting offers/coupons that only apply to all these weird drinks with caffeine levels measured in kilo Sieverts and the taste is fizzy septic sludge.
some of them are much better on the rocks
All caffeinated foodstuffs should have their caffeine content displayed on menus and the nutrition facts box.
Agreed, I need to know the most cost effective way to edge the LD50
Boofing a white monster energy.
Ngl, I’ve considered trying it with the death lemonade. That would require going to Panera though.
It seems absolutely ridiculous to me that's not already the case.
"Companies shouldn't be allowed to lubricate the downwards escalators and shake it occasionally."
That's literally a cup of coffee
95 mg in coffee cup vs 300 in a celsius
It's like 120-200 in a cup of coffee iirc espresso shots are like 80-120? (???)
That must be in a Murica size cup of coffee, then. A normal cup of coffee in countries not named the United States of America is roughly 250ml, and averages 80-110mg of caffeine depending on roast and blend, 95mg being the average.
Standard espresso shots are universally a 1oz/30ml shot, and contain 63-64mg of caffeine the world over.
A can of Red Bull has 80mg caffeine, so that Celsius has 2.5 times as much caffeine. They also sell the apparently more popular "Celsius HEAT" with 300mg of caffeine in the US. Both are illegal here in Canada, as CFIA mandates a maximum of 180mg caffeine per serving/container, no cheaty multi-serving cans allowed.
Ma'am this is a starbucks
That must be in a Murica size cup of coffee
I use what I consider a normal coffee mug that just fits 8 oz, and I get mocked at work for my “tiny” coffee mug…
Starbucks is pretty famous for having weird (and often subjectively described as bad) espresso. While people are quick to point out that this is largely because they roast at much higher temperatures than other roasters, an often overlooked aspect is the fact that they massively overextract with a too-small grind to counter for the "shortness" of their shots, using too little water. This results in a smaller 0.75 oz shot of espresso that's bitter and has a higher caffeine content.
We could sit here all day and argue over whether the espresso the mastrena machine produes counts as a real shot, but I think the nail in the coffin there is that Italian regulators do not consider Starbucks' espresso to be espresso, and the only Starbucks in the nation is a Starbucks Reserve which does not use the mastrena machine or sell any standard Starbucks products you'd get in the US.
Also that is two shots. Doppio is Italian for double. That would average like 125-130mg caffeine, but again, Starbucks espresso is weird.
Sorry for the effort post, I just care a lot about culinary chemistry and processing, kind of an interest of mine
additional thoughts
we could argue about how much caffeine regularly consume via drip coffee in the work place which is actually obscene. like 5 cups. they really overextract
especially since i was the only person who ever cleaned the plastic coffee dispensers when i was catering offices damn that shit was seasoned
i've worked at various places like starbucks and i think the italians can take a hike we do it better. you're right about the dark roast for shelf life that shit's garbage without cream and sugar
if we're doing fda style arguments over whether celsius is going too hard i think celsius lawyers would cite that numerous coffee roasters are emulating starbucks regardless of the objections from you or italians and serving people beverages with 200-450mg caffeine regularly
that's fine i just think people should be able to get the original 12oz coca cola with 300mg of caffeine and a little bump of coca extract
8.4oz is too small though
That must be in a Murica size cup of coffee
here in Canada
lol it’s the same country. Google “Tim Horton’s caffeine content”. Small is 140 mg, XL is 330 mg. 30ml espresso says 120mg.
Definitely, youd probably get shot here if you served someone only 250ml of coffee that being said sucralose is genotoxic and im convinced taurine makes you smell musty
Im confusing it with Ghost then
csius HEAT is 300 as per the other very caffeinated person who replied to me
Also bang energy and the regional one we have here called green dragon, the extreme version of 300 mg versus the like 120 and the basic version in like 8 ounces