made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
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Accelerationism is the greatest lie communists ever invented
Accelerationism is when you aren't ridin' with Biden.
Liberals come in all smug about how they know better when the only meaningful difference between most of 'their guys' and most conservatives is that 'their guys' are corporate sellouts who think companies should be allowed to make ads that show gay people and minorities
While those companies use literal slavery outside the US, and the Supreme Court just shrugs and says "we're a smol bean country that doesn't have any jurisdiction here since it's happening outside our borders even though the perpetrators all have addresses here" by a 8-1 majority (the lone dissenter being a fucking chud that thinks the court should have been MORE on the side of the slavers)
But yeah no, condescend more libs, between that and Roe disappearing under a Liberal Presidency and legislature, there's lots of reasons to vote lib
Like if I want to proclaim myself a loser that cares but not really
accelerationism is when you don't vote for people who support genocide
How much change has meaningfully happened ever since Blue Team won.
Democrats do not undo the fascism of the Republican party
We're getting fascism regardless of whether it's Genocidin' Biden or Obomber or any GOP ghoul in the white house. The past ten years alone should make it clear that US democracy is a paper-thin facade over corporate oligarchy.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
How long ago was Roe v. Wade decided? How many opportunities have the democrats had to legislate it into law? Why did they never bother to do it?
Hey here's some free advice if you're going to try this line you can't give away the prestige by telling people up front nothing will happen until drms have a super majority in all three branches.
You gotta wait until after everybody begrudgingly votes for your shitty candidate to explain why anybody who believed he'd do antmyrhing he campaigned on are naive rubes.
You're not gonna motivate people by telling them dems will do something to benefit them right after Mississippi elects its second democratic senator.
Noticeable change takes more time than you'd expect
The Kingdom of Conscience will be exactly as it is now. Moralists don't really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn't change -- not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
Ever noticed that when a democrat is president, he's an uwu smol bean who can't possibly be expected to do anything, but when a republican is president it's an existential threat to the entire world?
To be fair this is true but it's entirely by dems choosing.
When republicans are president they do whatever they want and then when dems complain say "what are you going to do about it" and then the dems go aww shucks and go home.
When a dem is president they say they can't do anything and then when their voters complain they say "what are you gonna do about it, vote for a republican :)"
Democrats had control of all 3 branches and supermajority under Obama's first few years and they still failed to accomplish anything good, instead giving massive bailouts to banks and expanding the war on terror and the surveillance state. Their one measly accomplishment, the ACA, was half-baked and watered down by the GOP despite getting none of their support. Then the ACA was slowly ripped apart by the forces of capital until it no longer de facto existed.
If this is the best the democrats can ever accomplish then they deserve to lose forever until they are disbanded
But to this day if you bring this up liberals have a three page essay pre typed on why dems can't be expected to do anything with a veto proof majority in all three branches.
"No you don't understand they actually only had that supermajority for a year and a half and didn't do anything"
accelerationism is when you don't vote for people with ::: spoiler spoiler credible allegations of SA ::: against them
How does this relate to the meme
Hey what were the results if the 2016 popular vote?
Define accelerationism.
I don't see a lot of communists talking about voting for Trump so things get worse to trigger a revolution.
What I see a lot of is people refusing to support genocide just because the person pulling the trigger is wearing a blue tie.
For Christ's sake, add something to clarify your own stance on the topic before talking like this. It'll just turn into the exact argument we always have otherwise.
accelerationism isn't what you think it is
oppa gangnam style