made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
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The most infuriating thing about electorism obsessed libs shame tactics, is that they somehow imagine that its all going to come down to one vote. Which has not only never happened, but is even more ludicrous in the massively anti-democratic presidential elections
any election that comes down to a margin anywhere near that gets decided by lawyers
or by Brooks Brothers customers
Gets decoded by lawyers, republicans scream "fuck you, no" and them dems go "aw shucks" and give up
is that they somehow imagine that its all going to come down to one vote
hey what happened last time it actually did come down to a handful of votes?
but it didn't actually iirc.. there were so many schemes going on just to get it to the point where it seemed like it was an even split..
florida adding tens of thousands of people to the felon list who had never been charged with or convicted of any felonies.. votes were lost.. hanging chads... what a goddamn circus this country is
Yea this is the actual problem unless dems win by like 5 to 10 percent republicans will throw a fit and then dems will hand them the election to prove how mature they are.
Nine voters in black robes
I often hear them say "if you don't vote for our guy, it's a vote for the other guy!". It's like a child's approach to politics. If I don't fucking vote, it's literally just that. Not a vote.
"Good news, I'm also not voting for Trump which means I AM voting for Biden unless what you justbsaid is bullshit. Which means actually I'm voting twice without breaking the law, why aren't you excercising the most important right given to you and voting twice by not voting for wither person. Do you not care about democracy?
And most people im the US don't vote. Way more than people like us who are ideologically in opposition to the US, but tgey blame their failures on us anyway
tbf it’s less about your individual vote and more about the entire bloc of leftists who won’t vote for Biden. e.g. if Biden loses by 1000 votes and there were 2000 leftists who refused to vote, it’s obviously their fault.
Maybe it's bidens fault since those 2000 people have explicitly outlined what it takes to get their vote for decades and dems electoral strategy has been "go fuck yourself and if you dont like that it's your fault we lost"
What swing state has 2000 leftist voters?
most people in the US don't vote and don't have a defined ideology. But somehow to libs, when their party fails its the fault of leftists who are ideologically against the US and both of its bourgeois parties
Howie Hawkins got 13k votes in Michigan in 2020. And of course there are still libs blaming 2016 on Jill Stein because she got more votes than the margins in the Midwest states.
Maybe not leftist exactly, but left enough to not just capitulate and vote for the Democrat no matter what.
I think the most infuriating thing is that a full calendar year before the elcti9n thenlibs have already realized they're making the same mistake again and instead of doing anything other than running the exact same playbook they're just making web comics where their opponents are blue haired effeminate weirdos and already blaming them for not voting hard enough.