Once a pirate, always a pirate
Once a pirate, always a pirate
Once a pirate, always a pirate
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It's almost as if we're all different people.
Yeah right? Who's gonna feed those poor corporation? I'm sure they'll used the money they make for a better customers experience
Are you playing dumb or are just just dumb?
So, when you're licking the boot, do you start at the heel or the toe?
I pirate because it's more convenient, surprisingly I don't pirate games and music because of steam and spotify, steam is just convenient, so is spotify it's more convenient than fucking around with finding music you like
movies/tv shows it's more convenient to have my own plex server
We pirate because we're selfish but use every excuse in the book to convince ourselves otherwise...
If we were selfish, we wouldn't be sharing our files in the first place, and the system would fall apart.
It's the fact that we aren't selfish that filesharing works at all.
More mental gymnastics
Are you kidding me? I pirate because I'm not paying for a profitable product that I could otherwise get for free.
If you want to line the pockets of executives and investors, go right on ahead. You have plenty of others to fit in with.
Profit is what's leftover after everyone gets paid.
Profit, by definition is excess.
You might want to study some basic economics before you come across as being clever. You're buying into rhetoric that exists to take advantage of your ineptitude.
As Mark Twain once said, "it's easier to fool a man than to convince him he'd been fooled."
Yeah, and if they're forced to make less, they will. Or they make nothing at all.
Lol, thanks for proving my point.
My point is that they will make less profit if they are forced to.
If they stop making products at all, then they make no money.
People already work way harder than them for significantly less, so it's definitely do-able.
People just need to have higher standards, which you are proving they don't.
I’m still not understanding what that has to do with this discussion.
I can tell. It's in response to your hyperbole, "Is it your hope that they will stop producing media for you to watch?" You are arguing that if they make less profit, then they won't make media at all which isn't true.
Is it your hope that they will stop producing media for you to watch?
If people had higher standards for what they spend their money on, businesses would have to meet those standards or go out of business. They can, they would just make less profit.
That means more money for you and me.
You really should study basic economics. It's sad watching you laugh and dismiss facts because they describe how you're being taken advantage of.
Gaben himself in interviews says all data points towards the best way to combat piracy is by providing a good service/convenience. The biggest reason for piracy isn't money, surprisingly.
Personally I stopped sailing when streaming services just started. They were reasonably priced, they weren't fragmented, and I could hop to another one for a month and catch up on their exclusives. Then they started becoming bastards in every single aspect of convenience and cost so back to sailing.
I didn't say it was the ONLY reason people pirate....
And yet people still pirate Steam games all day
Compared to even 10 years ago, game piracy is almost nonexistent. Steam is the reason.
I do only pirate because the prices are too high.
I just never specified how high is too high 😏