Biden's approval rating is in the dumps? Must be those god damn tankies brainwashing everyone
Biden's approval rating is in the dumps? Must be those god damn tankies brainwashing everyone
Biden's approval rating is in the dumps? Must be those god damn tankies brainwashing everyone
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The Biden admin needs to launch a massive propaganda campaign against communism and fascism online. They are currently playing with their hands tied behind their backs. Spend half of their re-election budget on online trolls on twitter, reddit, tiktok to absolutely destroy anyone that pushes communism and fascism. Hit social media company owners who allow anti-western extremism to fester. Release hit pieces in the media not just against the white supremacy right, but also against the commie left. Make deals with CEOs and wallstreet to stamp out any of that shit from their corporate culture like they did with ESG. The GOP essentially kicked the corporate and military wings out of their party, use that to your fucking advantage. Hit college campuses too. Communism and fascism should be painted in the same light as racism and homophobia basically. Western Lives Matter should be the new BLM. I want to see protests where kids are burning the hammer and sickle flags along swastika flags. I want to see Greta fucking Thunberg wear a NATO shirt to the Met Gala. No tactic should be left off the table.
what the fuck is wrong with these people
Do they not realize that anticommunism is already hegemonic in the state and business spheres?
This unhinged screed is basically just a caricature of what already exists right now
The CIA is just a myth. You need to chill
They got dunked on by some twitter account with a stalin profile picture and 5 followers and now they're traumatized by communism
The Biden admin needs to launch a massive propaganda campaign against communism
Please, I can only see that going well for us.
Western Lives Matter should be the new BLM
No tactic should be left off the table
Somethig tells me he doesn't actually want to see burning swastikas
Something tells me if I did burn the Swastika, I'll get a lecture on how I look like an SJW snowflake, and this will only alienate the working class.
Burning crosses are almost the same thing, right?
Spend half of their re-election budget on online trolls on twitter, reddit, tiktok to absolutely destroy anyone that pushes communism and fascism
Oh my god this person is 14 years old, has to be. The idea that Reddit and Twitter reflect at all the voting populace is so detached from reality.
Or a lazy fed
The Biden admin needs to launch a massive propaganda campaign against communism and fascism online. They are currently playing with their hands tied behind their backs. Spend half of their re-election budget on online trolls on twitter, reddit, tiktok to absolutely destroy anyone that pushes communism and fascism. Hit social media company owners who allow anti-western extremism to fester. Release hit pieces in the media not just against the white supremacy right, but also against the commie left.
Why would Democrats attack the far right?
That's one of the (many) problems with these clowns, they don't realize that the ideology they're espousing is already a variation of fascism
Pied piper strategy won the biggest midterm in a hundred years, but go off cause hillary lost 8 years ago or whatever
Right because that’s very important. Now that we have more progressive democrats in office after the midterm, the number of fascist sympathizers have decreased significantly? And the QAnon candidates who won in my state? They don’t exist! Only the very impactful victories matter
The Dems existing as they are is bad and their policies are bad; you don't need to pretend that are foolishly funding the far right.
I know healthcare is expensive, but surely you’re able to get glasses to see the stories written by the liberal media about their party doing exactly that which I generously appended to my OP. I don’t give a shit if they “succeeded.” What makes you think grifting fascists exhausted their funds and didn’t just keep the blank check from their democratic donors?
Wow I'm so glad Dems won, they definitely used that power to improve my circumstances and didn't just sit with their thumbs up their asses
Wow the Dems are bad at policy, I'm learning this for the first time.
Happy to help
No please, do it. Expose more people to the idea that communism is a thing that a) exists and b) opposes the democratic party. Especially using those heavy handed tactics and the influence of the wealthy and powerful. Like, nothing give communism more credibility imo than a CEO opposing it.
I can't think of a better winning position.
These are people who are winning the 'ideology' war and are still upset about it because they can't gloat. Pathetic.
A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.
Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?
Two things result from this fact:
I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be itself a power.
II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself.
The GOP essentially kicked the corporate and military wings out of their party, use that to your fucking advantage.
...and this is where they went instead
redditor for 22 days, also active in /r/conservative.
if only there was some kind of third way
what commie left? what fucking hit pieces that aren't already printed any time a progressive cause gets even a little bit of attention? where are the CEOs going to find communism in their corporate culture?? you can't do mccarthyism anymore there aren't any communists left you raving fucking lunatic!
western lives matter
oh, okay, they're actually a nazi
I choose whatever the equivalent of the cop side is against WLM
Something happens westernly west in the west
Western liberals: "What are we a bunch of Asians!?!?!"
Honestly, I hope the anticommunism campaign happens lol
You won’t get far trying to paint the people who want affordable housing and decent wages as evil and that would be the best press we’ve gotten in a long time
Except they don’t paint us as wanting that. They say that communism goes against human nature and ends up instantly murdering trillions of people.