Italy PM Giorgia Meloni splits from partner after off-air lewd TV remarks
Italy PM Giorgia Meloni splits from partner after off-air lewd TV remarks

Giorgia Meloni says the relationship is over after a TV show airs her partner's off-air comments.

Italy PM Giorgia Meloni splits from partner after off-air lewd TV remarks
Giorgia Meloni says the relationship is over after a TV show airs her partner's off-air comments.
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"All those who sought to weaken me by striking my family should know that even if a water drop can hope to break a rock, a rock will always be a rock while a drop is just water."
Erosion is a hoax.
Pebbles aren't real, wake up sheeple.
Don’t buy the Big Erosion propaganda!
It sounds good in Italian but it’s still a bag of nonsense coming from the mouth of a shit pile.
I'm in Italian, and to be honest it makes no fucking sense in our language either.
I'm in italics, and it doesn't make sense to me either
Maybe lost in translation?
It seems quite a literal translation:
Tutti quelli che hanno sperato di indebolirmi colpendomi in casa sappiano che per quanto la goccia possa sperare di scavare la pietra, la pietra rimane pietra e la goccia è solo acqua.
which does not make any sense even in Italian. Especially considering that a drop of water in the end does erode a rock ("gutta cavat lapidem" in Latin).
Yes there are several translations in the article and they all come out wooden and strange.
When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you.
okay but imagine how impactful this line would be delivered by Dwayne Johnson instead