I don't mean what you use to chop down your feces, but an object that you realized only your family has and people would raise their eyebrows at. Best if said object has a sole purpose.
Ours has a magnet and is stuck to the toaster. Long since abandoned since most cants with ridges don’t like to open well without just using a can opener and removing the whole can lid.
I had a (well, several) toasters that didn't pop so well in my early travels through life and people would go crazy if I did this without unplugging it. Lol. I'm not raking the fork across the elements and the element is off, so...
Anyway, one of those disposable, wooden chop sticks works well for this and keeps people from thinking you either have never heard of electricity or have a death wish.
You can carve a little notch on the end if we're talking about a toaster oven (like a crochet hook).