fucking fool
fucking fool
fucking fool
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When you find out about Dunning-Kruger and realise that that's why everyone else in the world is so stupid apart from you.
Unlike most people, I see what you did there.
Real eyes realize real lies
Jaden Smith diving the Mariana Trench deep.
"You ever notice how stupid the average person is? Now realize that half of them are dumber than that!"
grabs popcorn to watch inevitable argument about mean vs median
Central Limit Theorem 🤝 Me in first year stats
"Mean and Median are the same"
I'll be "IQ is a normalized distribution", someone else take "IQ isn't intelligence"
I'll take "IQ is a flawed measure of intelligence, but intelligence is probably still normally distributed"
I sometimes genuinely expect people to know "basic quantum mechanics" and I'll start ranting about it as if they have some background knowledge and then when I saw the moon might not exist if I don't look at it my roommate looks at me like I'm crazy.
The funniest part of this comment to me is that it could be said unironically either by someone educated in college or on tiktok
I sometimes expect people to know "basic physics," which is apparently a bit much to ask sometimes. I don't mean having a firm grasp on what e=mc² actually means, I don't even have that. I'm talking about a firm grasp on energy simply being the capacity to do work, and the basic fact that there is no free energy device.
No, you cannot charge an electric car while it's driving by putting wind turbines on it. No, you cannot use gear ratios to achieve overunity. No, magnets can't solve the problem either.
PS, if you firmly believe that crystals vibrate on higher frequencies (eta: and that vibration can somehow heal you or something), but can't describe what frequency amethyst vibrates at in hertz, you are what Dunning and Kruger set out to study
I got curious, so I googled it. There's a company that sells amethyst that claims it vibrates at 32,876 Hz. They do not describe anything about the physical characteristics of the particular rock they measured, which would have an impact on the frequency at which it vibrates.
Another source claims amethyst resonates with the Crown chakra, which has a frequency of 768 Hz. They do not explain how they derived this frequency. 32,876 is not a multiple of 768, and would not resonate with something that vibrates at that frequency.
Yet another source claims that amethyst vibrates at 963 Hz. It does not list any physical characteristics of the rock they measured, and this is not a multiple of either of the other numbers.
Credit to Beadworks Philadelphia for explaining that different objects have different resonant frequencies, even if they're made of the same material! Unfortunately, that credit is revoked because they immediately claim that amethyst crystals can cure or treat medical conditions. Shame.
if you firmly believe that crystals vibrate on higher frequencies, but can't describe what frequency amethyst vibrates at in hertz
I'm not a physicist, but I think crystals can vibrate at a fixed frequency? Isn't that how quartz watches work?
A crystal's resonant frequency is determined by its size and shape as well as it's material. The quartz crystals used in watches and other precision crystal oscillators are machined very exactly. Even then it's not that they can't vibrate at other frequencies, they're just not good at it.
Yes and no. The quartz in watches needs to be tuned to a specific frequency. They do this by either adding material or taking some away, just like a normal tuning fork. Here's a video explaining it better than I possibly can, and it's Steve Mould, so you know it's worth the watch
ahh worth the watch
Dunning Kruger etc etc
I do the same with psychology. Except it's worse because people think they DO know psychology when they absolutely don't
I'm so glad I don't have to deal with people pretending to know physics that often. Usually I just get "why the fuck did you major in physics" and then I go cry
I'm assuming you wish you'd gone for marine biology instead, sharkfucker420?
You could say that
This is telling a lot about your psyche.
And how does that make you feel?
Makes me smile, but ... Dr. Cog, can you try a bit deeper?