Theodore Medad Pomeroy was elected as speaker on the last day of the 40th Congress on March 3, 1869. It was a gesture of respect and honor ahead of his retirement. He served one day as speaker, basically an honorary role, speaker for the day and then congres adjourned for the year. He was the shortest serving house speaker in US history. The second shortest serving house speaker is Kevin McCarthy.
Glad you enjoyed it! I just love the contrast. The shortest speaker was respected and honored and the house votes to put him in for one day like Rudy. It's a very sweet gesture. The second shortest speaker got knifed like Caesar by the crazies he helped to elect.
Wow what a change from the early days of respect and retiring to now where the oldest senator just died at "Fuck she was how old?!" and the current speaker got outed for being a shit eater and not being cruel enough by a handful of rich twats that don't understand debate or decorum... what a mess the late empire is.
LoL what a wild read. But yeah they really beat the shit out of each other occasionally back then but that still seems an outlier and like there was a whole civil war I wouldn't exactly say showed the best respect for other humans