Your big brain conservtive/capitalist takes will be laughed at
Your big brain conservtive/capitalist takes will be laughed at
Your big brain conservtive/capitalist takes will be laughed at
Everything is political as it seems, even mere existence of our trans fellas, because it's either needs to be changed via politics or can get weaponized by bad faith actors as a populist take. Survival is sometimes political. And as an old soviet saying goes, if you aren't that interested in politics, politics may become interested in you.
As resource extractors use politics as a vehicle to lobby their interests, fucking with them is indeed political, even if it's a universally accepted cause like a survival of humankind.
Either way, we're fucked, so not like it matters lol.
Where it comes from? I feel like I skipped a couple of your replies leading to that one.
Yeah me too lol, I'm new to posting on lemmy so my bad perhaps.
It's not what I've meant, sorry. It's just you gone into doomerism from out of nowhere. Like something previously indicated there're reasons to that.
Oh yeah, I guess not everyone is as aware of the incoming climate collapse. My bad