The New 8bitdo Retro Keyboard shipped early. Small-ish Male Hand for scale.
I can try to answer any questions, but it doesn't seem like the 8bitdo Ultimate software is availible for download yet. Im not big into mechanical keyboards, this is actually my first, so I don't have much direct comparison experience to other keyboards.
Just got mine and holy shit - it is an absolute unit. I am not a keyboard builder or whatever, but this thing is seriously reminiscent of a TKL IBM keyboard of yesteryear except without authentic buckling spring keys. That said, the key mechanisms feel great - clicky but a slightly lighter touch than the oldschool buckling springs - I don't miss the high-frequency "ping" of the buckling spring, though.
It could almost be used like the keyboard murder weapon in the movie Gattica, except with a plastic frame. The thing is nice and heavy and brings back good memories.
Oh that sucks, mine doesn’t. I have no interest in peeling off the feet to get at the screws to open this bad boy and see if the polarity of the LED is flipped or if there’s a bad solder joint. Usually I like to watch a tear down video first so I’m not trailblazing/making disassembly missteps.