Grown ass adult man goes on screaming frothing rant on stream because Starfield has pronoun options
Grown ass adult man goes on screaming frothing rant on stream because Starfield has pronoun options
Grown ass adult man goes on screaming frothing rant on stream because Starfield has pronoun options
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It always blows my mind how angry capital G Gamers get about games where you very much have the option of playing a cishet guy but can also choose to play as someone different
They're viscerally angry that they're no longer the only target audience for nerd media.
They don't actually like video games, they just like being catered to.
Video games are fucking awesome and infinitely varied, so much more than any other kind of media, they're for everyone and that rules you fuckin chud dweebs.
Have you played Oxenfree?
I'm aware of it and that it was well-received, but I've never been big on stuff in the point-n-click adventure ballpark
Yeah, you're right, it's just so weird to me, like I didn't mind playing as non-white/male characters in games when I was a literal child and it's not like I was a super enlightened 10 year old or anything
one of the most popular games from my childhood was tomb raider where you were forced (at controllerpoint no less) to play as a woman
it was wildly popular
jesus tapdancing christ
thats grim.
I do wonder how Tomb Raider would be recieved if it was released today just as it was 1996, but with modern graphics.
Like on the one hand, forced to play as a woman. On the other hand though, if Lara had the design she had in 1996 would they not mind because she fits their traditional ideas of what "hot" is? Like modern Lara seems to piss them off I know that (even though she's still very much hot) but would old school Lara in modern graphics piss them off if it was a new franchise being released for the first time today? Makes me think.
I feel like it would suffer Seinfeld Syndrome and nobody would give a shit about it at all
Well you just brought to mind Last of Us 2 and the Horizon games. Both of which feature a female protagonist and both were subject of weird online chud tantrums.
They complained about the newer Tom Raider games too.
Yeah but those protags dont have big tiddy and an ass in short shorts you can stare at so im unsure.
i wonder how GTA San Andreas would be received today
. it already caused a stir that made some people not want to play as a black person back in the dayfr, I was also a Jill Valentine "main" in Resident Evil (admittedly some of that was because you got to hang out with the GOAT Barry Burton but still)
the master of unlocking > some dude called chris
She got a grenade launcher too
Kids almost always have to be taught racism. Like they'll pick it up from their elders but it takes a few years.
It's extra funny because it's such an unoptimized mess that it actually is still only targeted at them because they're the only ones who can afford the hardware needed to play it
Also saying "twatwaffle" is incredibly soy lmao
You should see them when a game doesn't even offer a white cishet option! They go Thermonuclear!
This is why “white genocide” actually does have a meaning beyond “racial integration.” If you take away a white person’s ability to live as the undisputed master of the universe—to take his own experience as normal and privileged, and to presume all others to be debased copies of his own primary existence—then you take away his whiteness.
from Buffalo Skulls
You're telling me that after the revolution you'll stop calling me
and bleach demon? Do you promise?presume all others to be debased copies of his own primary existence
Would this be like thinking walking through a super market to buy apples and bananas before going to the baseball game is primary and then assuming someone in India is walking through an open air market to buy mangos and papayas before going to the kabaddi game? Like they can't imagine another structure to society, just superficial changes to the underlying permanent, 'natural' structure?
I think you're giving them a bit too much credit. They don't imagine an Indian doing anything, they don't think about them as people at all, only as vague "threats."
If the game was absolute dogshit I could see being annoyed by features that seem pointless. If the core of a game is shit, spending money on QoL features for small demographics seems ridiculous. Make solid mod tools and a solid game and it'll get sorted anyway.
"features" like basic character creation in an rpg lol
"Small demographics" like... women.
This isn't just for trans people.
Hell even as a cis man I might want to play a woman, and I'd sure not want my immersion broken by other characters calling my female character "he" if I did so. Like its a roleplaying game, its cool to let me play a role.
I'm a cis man who rarely plays as a male character. I play games to experience something different, not to engage in power fantasies.
This guy is upset that the game reminded him that the real world exists, where he feels like things are moving away from a white male centered society. It shattered his power fantasy and reminded him he's an insignificant loser shouting into the void.
Gamers by and large have no idea how video games are made and rarely are they curious to learn. This is one of the classic misconceptions: that there is a finite amount of a perfectly malleable resource (time, money, effort) that goes into creating a video game, and therefore the lack of any feature that you feel is missing from the game can be directly attributed to the presence of any other feature you feel is extraneous. In this case, pronouns are just one of many character creation options in an RPG -- the game genre that is all about the player creating and playing as a unique a character. It's a feature that's easier to implement than, say, even one more face customization option, and not meaningfully different in implementation from the classic "are you a boy or a girl?" option.
But development resource management's not really what you're complaining about, is it? You mentioned something there about "small demographics." Your point, your actual point, was about people whom you despise receiving any validation from a hobby that you believe should exist for you and only you.
Small demographics