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  • and that's why i support authoritarianism, cause this asshole thinks he supports "freedom" but he's a fucking liar so he needs to be in a pit with some lead implanted into his brain.

  • “Muh immersion” is the “but what about the children?” for

    • How in the absolute fuck does taking a millisecond to choose "he/him" during character creation and then have characters call you by that pronoun for the rest of the game "break your immersion" anyway?

      • if you choose "he/him" it gives you a message that says "sorry this interactive experience is for the femmes and thems only" and deletes the install.

      • His logic was that he's reminded of politics when the game calls it pronouns. He'd probably prefer it to be called gender and have the little arrow signs. It'd be an almost imperceptible difference if you didn't care. If you're having a

        moment it matters a lot