Grown ass adult man goes on screaming frothing rant on stream because Starfield has pronoun options
Grown ass adult man goes on screaming frothing rant on stream because Starfield has pronoun options
Grown ass adult man goes on screaming frothing rant on stream because Starfield has pronoun options
— "Fuck you, falling into a world and just getting lost! No, no, no! Current-fucking-day! You take everything we love — all our immersions, all our fantasies, all our escapism — and you can't help shovel your dogshit, fucking-crap ideology into everything!"
— He won't fucking shut up. Knock him out.
[Challenging: Success] — The wavering of his voice, the tears dewing in his eyes, the erupting tantrum; he isn't acting like the usual grifters you've seen. He believes this. Video games are the only thing that he has. You can see before you the faded afterimage of a friendless little boy, kneeling alone in a patch of playground grass and clover. He's been this way forever.
— Don't go soft on a display this pathetic. Make an example out of him. His little computer-buddies need to be too ashamed to agree with him in the open.
What fucking Disco writer is secretly running this account, goddamn, how do you nail it every fucking time?
it really might be now that i think about it. they had the fuckin chapos as voice actors on release.
If you're Kurvitz you have to tell us. It's the law
I hear their voices in my head
I like how how every half-light suggestion is to kill someone like a wild animal or crawl into a corner and cry
Always appreciate a good DE Skills post
It always blows my mind how angry capital G Gamers get about games where you very much have the option of playing a cishet guy but can also choose to play as someone different
They're viscerally angry that they're no longer the only target audience for nerd media.
It's extra funny because it's such an unoptimized mess that it actually is still only targeted at them because they're the only ones who can afford the hardware needed to play it
Also saying "twatwaffle" is incredibly soy lmao
You should see them when a game doesn't even offer a white cishet option! They go Thermonuclear!
This is why “white genocide” actually does have a meaning beyond “racial integration.” If you take away a white person’s ability to live as the undisputed master of the universe—to take his own experience as normal and privileged, and to presume all others to be debased copies of his own primary existence—then you take away his whiteness.
from Buffalo Skulls
If the game was absolute dogshit I could see being annoyed by features that seem pointless. If the core of a game is shit, spending money on QoL features for small demographics seems ridiculous. Make solid mod tools and a solid game and it'll get sorted anyway.
"features" like basic character creation in an rpg lol
Gamers by and large have no idea how video games are made and rarely are they curious to learn. This is one of the classic misconceptions: that there is a finite amount of a perfectly malleable resource (time, money, effort) that goes into creating a video game, and therefore the lack of any feature that you feel is missing from the game can be directly attributed to the presence of any other feature you feel is extraneous. In this case, pronouns are just one of many character creation options in an RPG -- the game genre that is all about the player creating and playing as a unique a character. It's a feature that's easier to implement than, say, even one more face customization option, and not meaningfully different in implementation from the classic "are you a boy or a girl?" option.
But development resource management's not really what you're complaining about, is it? You mentioned something there about "small demographics." Your point, your actual point, was about people whom you despise receiving any validation from a hobby that you believe should exist for you and only you.
Small demographics
My man's complaining about being constantly taken out of the immersion
Oh, is it asking your pronouns every time you enter a new planet? Every time you boot up the game? Every time you're introduced to a new character? Yeah, wow, that's so excessive
Wait, what's that, only during the character creation screen and then never again?
Has your brain been eaten by maggots?
Its like bro you're creating a character the game hasn't even started yet.
Dumb question but wouldn't the game using your preferred pronouns actually add to the immersion?
Like I guess I play games differently because it doesn't bother me if I play a boy or girl character but if you are so hung up on the game asking your pronouns it seems like that's the kind of person that would WANT the game to call them by their pronouns.
Yeah, of course.
He's not actually upset about "immersion". He is upset because to him, this is a reminder that his side is "losing the culture war" as he feels. That the natural hierarchy, that right-wing ideology is based upon, is being disrupted because those at the bottom of the totem pole are being acknowledged as members of society on the same level as him. This kind of thing is unnatural and unacceptable to chuds.
Dumb question but wouldn't the game using your preferred pronouns actually add to the immersion?
Yes. His rant about immersion makes no sense. Also ranting about "current day" over and over again as if California invented gendered pronouns in 2020 and they wouldn't exist in the future?
It seems to me that he is so caught up in the culture war news cycle that he is unable to understand that these things exist outside of that and his brain is unable to process the word "pronouns" without thinking of Steven Crowder. Like some kind of twisted pavlovian response.
I did actively notice that there is writing specifically included to take advantage of the fact they have a pronouns selector. The first example I spotted was a "hey new girl" from one particular npc, which would then refer to me with that moniker a few too many times thereafter.
I feel like if I noticed it and felt like it was included specifically for doing gender affirmations then it probably sends people like this into an absolute frenzy, which makes me laugh.
I mean, selecting gender has been in games since well before pronoun discourse. That's literally the "Prof Oak asking if you're a boy or a girl" stuff. The divergence comes when you have a masc body/face with "she/her" pronouns or sth.
It doesn't show up in the clip but the game actually has John Oliver pop up in a live feed every 5 minutes to yell "IT IS 2023 AND THERE WAS A CHEETO IN THE WHITE HOUSE" at you
Fun fact: this is what virtue signalling actually looks like.
Whatever Mr Shouty divorced man actually thinks, he's not acting like this because he cares that much about pronouns but for the approval of his garbage audience.
I though gamer nerds liked having robust character creation.
"the last thing i want to do in a big immersive experience is create a character"
I love that pronoun choices cause so many chuds to melt down, please add them to everything
(also for other reasons of course)christ, he looks like he's about to cry lmao
The expression he's making when he TABS BACK IN ANYWAY after that rant had me rolling.
It's all he has
Yeah but I think these are crocodile tears and all of this is an act
He doesn't hate this, he probably loves that there's a shitty game that's "gone woke" or whatever so he doesn't have to justify hating BG3 and can just avoid talking about it
I believe it's the great games that have explicitly gone against his hate filled ideology that really hurt his feelings
ha ha holy fuck i'm still definitely not buying that game, but seeing this man transform into a gammon in real time means that when i meet
on the road i will spare his life.and that's why i support authoritarianism, cause this asshole thinks he supports "freedom" but he's a fucking liar so he needs to be in a pit with some lead implanted into his brain.
Please give me a pronoun slider except when you move it all the way to "man" it doesn't let you select it
he got owned by a trans npc later and it fucking rocks. these dudes are so fucking frothy and stupid it's awesome. on the one hand screaming about immersion and treaterinos and on the other hand failing to recognize that any reasonable future society is going to have a lot more options than just gender affirming surgeries and hrt
Oh my God where can I find this video
I think it might be this
Guy is an immense fucking baby
The video of him getting owned by an NPC is perfect
Does anyone know how these people react to games like Celeste?
I'd wager their take is "it's just a fun platformer, stop injecting politics into it!"
Or they just somehow deny the game is trans
Probably like they reacted to walking simulators. They all hated Gone Home because if you followed a walkthrough you could beat it in 2 minutes
They don’t have pronouns in space
"This guy after hearing there are also no pronouns in space"
“Muh immersion” is the “but what about the children?” for
How in the absolute fuck does taking a millisecond to choose "he/him" during character creation and then have characters call you by that pronoun for the rest of the game "break your immersion" anyway?
if you choose "he/him" it gives you a message that says "sorry this interactive experience is for the femmes and thems only" and deletes the install.
His logic was that he's reminded of politics when the game calls it pronouns. He'd probably prefer it to be called gender and have the little arrow signs. It'd be an almost imperceptible difference if you didn't care. If you're having a
moment it matters a lotEverything that overgrown infant cried could very well be directed right back at him.
LGBTQ+ people just want to have a good time in fantasy media and get immersed in a story to be fully themselves using pronoun selection and seeing characters reminiscent of them and their people they know in real life.
However these whining maggots have to constantly shovel their soy ideology into everything, crying about muh pronouns as if LGBTQ+ people being happy is such a fucking abhorrent thing. Constantly reminding LGBTQ+ people of the very dangerous hostile body politic that they seek to escape from every time they go on one of these childish right wing tantrums.
And they've been doing so for about a decade now, it's fucking boring, pathetic even, how much importance these fascists still assign to their insane barbaric opinions as more and more people see them for the twisted creatures they are.
Yeah this is just being a fascist behind a mask. Why else would anyone throw such a tantrum over the miniscule addition of pronouns in a game if they didn't want LGBTQ+ people to exist outside a concentration camp.
I made the mistake of looking up live gamer reactions
to this, and saw a lot of folks agreeing with this ghoul. Man, I feel so safe as a trans person these days. Also, it is simply astounding how easy it is to spot the reactionary if you even mention pronouns.That's the truth!
His entire rant is how he wants an immersive escapist fantasy where trans people don't exist. Is this person popular? He reminds me of that guy TotalBiscuit but less articulate.
Hey now I remember TB being a pretty good guy. Are you implying otherwise?
tb was a light reactionary, as would be expected from someone of his privileged upbringing
his reviews were very useful for the technical aspect, which i don't see very often anymore
he was mostly good on trans rights, though his support came at the expense of otherkin and other non-standard genders (from his "if you're transphobic, fuck off i don't want your money" soundcloud thing)
Complicated. I used to watch him a lot and I'm still very saddened by his death, but it's not that simple. TB was definitely more in the reactionary side of things during gamergate, he regularly threw oil onto the fire or more-or-less directly supported some of it, or made some conversation about it worse by not condemning it and not fighting against it. He was not an awful influence in that time and a lot of people were rightfully pissed off at him.
I appreciate some of what he did and said. I don't think he was particularily a bad person, more your generic gamer-brained dude, vaguely libertarian, but he was respected and had a very big platform which he used pretty badly whenever it went outside the realm of video game options, consumer-protection and the like. And he also built his brand on being a bit of an insufferable douchebag with an overly exaggerated accent.
I enjoyed his stuff more as after, as he matured, when he did things in a better context with better people, such as on podcasts. I think if he was alive now, he would probably look at most of the gamergate stuff with regret and shame, but who knows. My feelings about him are complicated.
idk looks like a classic soyboy to me
All these conservative crybabies always project. It's practically guaranteed he used to call people triggered snowflakes. Just look at this pathetic showing. What is he if not precisely a triggered snowflake?
Also, his twitter is just a vertical feed of reactionary claptrap. Such a fucking loser, lol
I would bet money that this dude doesn't only play male characters.
And the "Snowflake of 2023" award goes to....
lol and then he just tabs back in brother you spirit is broken lol
It’s like a Karen ranting about how she’s never going to shop in this place ever again if they don’t honor her expired coupon. There’s nothing that would get them to actually stop consuming the product, they just want to feel as if they’re that important to the business that they’ll bend over backwards for them.
these gamergate guys have such easy lives, raging about the Politics in Vidya is the only way they can feel any sense of meaning.
It's a single option that you click once. I haven't seen it come up at all in gameplay.
What a fucking snowflake.
I want them dead and I think it's funny!
Pronouns are my favorite thing.
These are the people we're losing a culture war to.
I mean, thats kind of an open question considering the fact that he's THIS angry BECAUSE he sees himself as losing.
Don't fascists always think of themselves as losing though? Isn't that the whole "strong but also weak" thing?
if you want to feel better we're losing a culture war to large moneyed interests who are trying to cobble together a coherent form of western fascism with queer people as the main target
wait that doesn't make me feel better at all
I know this goes without saying on a site like this, but it just puts me further in depression on how enslaved humanity is to the rich, on how okay we are with our standards of living being reduced to that of a modern serf because porky want money. Heck, with climate change, we're being asked to go extinct for porky's superficial pleasures.
Just set it to he/him and get on with your life, jeez. Its like screaming at a changing table in a rest room because you don't have a kid. You might not need it but someone else may. The world does not exist to facilitate you personally.
Honestly? These people are a good inspiration to lift and get in shape.
Publicly disagree with them as firmly as possible. Hell, call them a gammon or a cracker to their face, and watch them freak out and go apeshit, and if you're physically stronger than then, have them have to deal with the fact they probably can't kick your ass and get a standing ovation online.
The tab back is funny. It's kind of a shame that what Bethesda produces is remarkably boring, but it has nothing to do with a pronoun option. Also, if this dude is upset about people projecting "current day" society on to the past, just wait until he finds out how people project capitalism back on to feudalism in most of his "escapist immersion fiction".
As an aside, how the fuck can he call other people pathetic when he does this shit enough to stream it with a camera on himself and all he can think to describe what he values about games is "immersions, fantasies, escapisms". You're basically saying that your job is to be an opium sommelier.
What crushes me is when he screams "OUR IMMERSIONS. OUR FANTASIES, OUR ESCAPISMS"
Its wild lol like nah it actually isnt yours. This wasnt made with you in mind. There is people behind this project who didnt think of you once when developing it.
Personally i blame this on protestantism but thats a rant for another post lol
Literally this kid but a couple decades older and balder.
Big “I wish everyone were dead except for me” energy
I love this so much lmao
I am embarrassed for him
Of course it's on xitter
It's still a shitty game
Aw Dan Vasc is tweeting this? I like his cover music, had no idea he was one of them.
Lol he wants less current day in his future fantasy
I want my fantasy about a distant future to be based on the trends of when I was a 20 year old!!
A lot of these guys have convinced themselves that transness is a trend that will eventually pass.
Fucking lmao.
His mouth didn't look like it was frothing to me. This seems to be an unneeded word in your post title and is wrong.
His mouth didn't look like it was frothing to me.
You need to work on your perception, Sneed, there was a fountain of diarrhea erupting from his soy mouth all over the microphone throughout the clip.