Just another normal day
Just another normal day
Just another normal day
do regular dogs go all like 'o shit its the cops' when they see a police dog, or is it just another dog to them?
Don't do anything illegal don't do anything illegal don't do anything illegal SQUIRREL!! Ah crap I did it again...
Violations of the Dog-Squirrel treaty of 2014 is no laughing matter
That treaty is a sham and everyone knows it. The squirrels had no right to annex Caninea.
That treaty ended a hundred year war! So what if the Squirrels took Caninea, nobody thought they'd even come to the negotiating table after the Canines glassed Squirrelandia
its complicated. RATO presence in the region keeps tensions high, and squirruss borders are notoriously hard to defend.
You messed with the squirrels, Morty!
Protest dogs are pretty good at recognizing cops vs protesters. Better than people sometimes.
Long live the memory of Negro Matapacos, greatest of allies. (Loukanikos was also a very good boy)
I don't expect dogs have much of a conception of "cops." They might see them as generic authority figures though.