Anon is waiting for Japan
Anon is waiting for Japan
Anon is waiting for Japan
China king of tech advancement
yeah right.
The only thing they consistantly innovate is how to fuck over their own population.
DeepSeek AI being a wrapper for ChatGPT’s API.
I don't think that's true and their innovations are pretty impressive. Sad that they are ruled by genocidal dictator fuckhead
they are ruled by genocidal dictator
Who isn't these days?
I hate China, but they absolutely are ahead of of the curve on science and technology. They still produce cheap worthless shit but that doesn't change the fact that they also produce cutting edge shit which can be found nowhere else in the world.
Even their AI costs less to run than OpenAI. Luckily their investment in it will yield nothing of value.
In my opinion they only have solar and batteries going for them. Cutting edge silicon is nowhere to be found in China which I think it's a lot more important.
I would not take any Chinese numbers at face value. Especially when it comes to costs, training, running, etc.
Also (tangent warning), i feel like their AI project was a part of some propaganda by their part. Like, it's fed Chinese facts like "nothing happened in 1989" or "China had never been in an armed conflict" or "China has never had famines". Making it open source exports just their propaganda which I feel was the secondary goal in all this.
I'm glad you are able to recognize China's technological shortfalls.
You're clearly a smart person, I was wondering if you could help me with my aero-defense project. We'd like to armor our planes to better survive being shot at. Here's an image of one of our bullet riddled planes that landed a few hours ago:
Where do you think I should put the armor? Just where all the red dots are?
i know what survivorship bias is, you 5iq inbread. But imagine for a second actually challenging my fucking claims instead of blindly gulping down china's dick
You say know what it is, and yet your original comment shows you don't. You clearly never questioned if the information you were receiving about China was perhaps filtered. You barely hesr about the hundreds of millions that China has lifted out of extreme poverty, you do hear, get video clips, and see constant reposts when an escalator has a catastrophic failure a decade ago.
the information you were receiving
same goes to you lmfao
hundreds of millions that China has lifted out of extreme poverty
I can also lift millions of people out of poverty by lowering the poverty line. 🤡
you do hear, get video clips, and see constant reposts when an escalator has a catastrophic failure a decade ago.
nah, my info's pretty fresh. I've never seen western countries detain people randomly and then condem them to death tho.
nah, my info's pretty fresh. I've never seen western countries detain people randomly and then condem them to death tho.
I'm not even a big China fan, I just recognized the bias in what you were saying. You're assumptions about China are like my dad thinking there's a good chance he'll win the lottery because every day he hears about a lottery winner. If the media that reported on every lottery winner had to also spend equal time reporting in every lottery loser, that would disabuse everyone of that notion.
You're upset not because I accused you of something that is false, but that you know I'm right and that's embarrassing for you.
I'm not embarrased of being wrong lmao, but you're right about America doing that shit. That place is a lost cause ngl. I was thinking more about europe.
And I don't know about my bias, but i've seen a lot of things and know a lot of history.