Tesla Insurance Rates Set To Spike As Cars Become Vandalism Targets
Tesla Insurance Rates Set To Spike As Cars Become Vandalism Targets
Tesla Insurance Rates Set To Spike As Cars Become Vandalism Targets
Tesla Insurance Rates Set To Spike As Cars Become Vandalism Targets
Tesla Insurance Rates Set To Spike As Cars Become Vandalism Targets
So it's actually working!
That makes it more expensive to own a Tesla, and that's one more thing that will make it less attractive to buy, either new or used.
It's debatable whether this is fair, but clearly it achieves a political goal.
It’s debatable whether this is fair, but clearly it achieves a political goal.
I'd be real careful cheering vandalism / destruction of private property because you believe it achieves a political goal you agree with; eventually others will start doing do the same thing to further political goals that they agree with.
Isn't that what they are already doing?
With no regard for how it harms others!
Yea. This isn't being started on the left. It's being emulated.
I'm struggling to come up with any examples that parallel what's happening with Teslas.
You can't think of a single example of conservatives destroying property for a political goal? Not one??
I can think of many many lives that the Nazi Reigime of America have destroyed. And lives are far more important than property.
The cars can burn.
This is happening all over the United States sometimes multiple times per day and being publicly celebrated in various places. I honestly can't think of a conservative oriented example of private property destruction on this scale to this much cheering.
to this much cheering
You're not going to find this because no one is cheering for white supremacists trying to knock out the power grid because they think it will start a race war.
Awe, fuck your feelings.
Got another one for your list:
That's completely different, those are damaging people, not property. You're allowed to attack people to protect property, you are not allowed to damage property to protect people.
After all, I own property, but I am not the type of people getting attacked.
I think you are right that this Tesla boycott is unique, nothing I can remember is even close.
And what I remember goes back to the 80's, with the Shell boycott because they supported apartheid in South Africa.
That boycott was a huge deal back then. Where there was (light) vandalism, for instance removing the S from their signs, so they said hell.
But now with Tesla, it's a completely different league in scope and consequences. Nice to see that there is a line also for ordinary sane people. Because this is definitely a response against the insanity of fascism.
I have absolutely no issues with the boycott. Elon the Idiot is learning the same lesson that the Ultra Wealthy of the 1920s did; getting publicly involved with politics can cost you a LOT of money. Bezos and Zuckerburg are learning it too. All of these Billionaires are getting a very expensive lesson in why they need to stay out of the limelight.
Because this is definitely a response against the insanity of fascism.
I don't think this has much to do with "fascism". If this was only happening to Cybertrucks (which are a pretty new model) or only happening at dealerships and so impacting Tesla itself that would be one thing but WTF does someone who bought a Tesla 3 years ago have to do with "fascism"?
This is a knee jerk reaction to what Elon is doing with DOGE and one group of people is lashing out at another group of people, many of whom having nothing to do with Tesla or it's front man aside from having bought a product.
Your take appears very naïve. This is actually a systematic attack against Elon Musk‘s net worth. It appears shockingly effective, it’s still very subdued compared to the hostile takeover that is ongoing in the government. Your longing for proportionality is absolutely misplaced here.
This is a knee jerk reaction to what Elon is doing with DOGE
So it is a reaction to Fascism. Perhaps the targets could be better chosen (player 2 has entered the chat), but it is people reacting to the fascist takeover.
You're not a serious person
(Disclaimer: I'm not American.)
Not to argue for vandalism, but with the US government illegally detaining and deporting people for saying things that right wingers don't like, I don't think the MAGA crowd retains significant reservations about engaging in vandalism themselves – it's just that so far they haven't spotted a target where it would serve their cause to do so, and because, with the federal government in their hands, Republicans have much more effective and ostensibly legal methods at their disposal. (Should Republicans be voted out of power eventually, there will most certainly be vandalism from the right, conceivably even widespread violence against people, but this will probably be the case irrespective of whether Teslas keep exploding due to vandalism or only due to bad engineering.)
At this point, a perspective might be that it's no longer about "a political goal", but about preventing permanent loss of the ability of the people to achieve anything at all through democratic means.
Still, though: Even with this in mind, it's utterly true that one should be careful about cheering for any such actions.
don’t think the MAGA crowd retains significant reservations about engaging in vandalism themselves
The MAGA crowd is supposedly the most heavily armed and violent group of fascist thugs in existence and yet somehow they simply haven't bothered to ever do anything like this.
...it’s just that so far they haven’t spotted a target where it would serve their cause to do so
The coal rolling good ol' boys with an AR-15 in their back window could have started doing burning down EVs a decade ago when Elon was a Liberal darling...but they didn't. They could start doing it now but they haven't.
Should Republicans be voted out of power eventually, there will most certainly be vandalism from the right, conceivably even widespread violence against people...
I've been hearing this same argument for over a decade and yet its never really happened. Again, somehow the most highly armed group of violent fascist thugs in existence hasn't ever bothered to this en masse. Not even when they weren't in power, like just 2 years ago when they were all POd at EVs and Immigration.
Again, and I can't stress this enough, fuck Trump and his MAGA idiots. I despise them and I'm not defending them. I'm simply trying to force some reality and introspection into this mess.
Please let us recall the Capitol attack. It was much, much worse, targeting not cars, but people and democracy itself.
(As for Elon, it is important to recall that back then, neither he nor any other liberal magnate had free access to the oval office and his own-or-technically-maybe-not-his-own government agency. His status is wholly unprecedented.)
Give me a fucking break. These people have bombed hundreds of abortion clinics, burnt down mail ballot boxes, and mass murdered people at grocery stores (Buffalo), gay night clubs (Pulse), churches (Charleston) and local newspaper offices (Annapolis) for years. They stormed Congress and killed cops. Multiple Democratic offices were shot up during the 2024 campaign season.
Right wing violence is so normalized in the US that they've managed to brainwash you into thinking this is some kind of escalation, when it doesn't even come close to the level of widespread violence of the right. Stop letting them get away with it.
eventually others will start doing do the same thing to further political goals that they agree with.
I, too, remember January 6.
They already did that. Trumpers were literally burning down mail ballot boxes and shooting up power stations before the election.