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I think he meant he doesn’t sleep with conscious women
Ummm… sorry english is not my first language but what is the connection?
A joker took advantage of this format and replaced a word accordingly
We do that when people say stupid stuff:
1: Tate says serious thing about women that is related to “””positive””” Tate trait
2: Joker reframes it to be negative Tate trait - a classic switcharoo
tl;dr Tate - and not a news story you’re missing - is the connection
Yea, I knew he was a fuckmappet! But what does that have to do with vaccines?
If a women isn’t vaccinated, she’s more likely to die or be severely disabled by viral infections (rendering loss of consciousness in both case), and Tate is likely a rapist, so it would be quite like him to have sex with unconscious women
Come on now! I support calling him a honorary romanian, lets pipe bomb his arsehole but lets not break our backs bending backwards to pretend that made any sense!
Does to me, I’m severely disabled by a viral infection though, so it’s more close to home.
Someone else already explained it, but without any connection to anything; why would you say that without sharing the understanding that your delirious state gave you?
No connection language-wise, they're just saying both are true
only real answer
Unconscious women can’t consent, and Andrew Tate is a known human trafficking piece of shit
So basically he likes raping women
Yea I knew that, but what does that have to do with vaccines?
Nothing. They just changed the adjective.