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Help me write a letter to my GP

As mentioned on here before, my GP surgery has reduced the amount of meds the prescribe me, not on medical grounds, but I believe on cost-saving grounds. The pharmacist in the pharmacy that is joined on to the doctor's surgery recently complained to me about the cost of my meds, and this isn;'t the first time.

The neurologist prescribed me migraine tablets and says I can take one a day as a preventative, but the doctor will only prescribe 8 a month. This is the med the pharmacist complained about - they're £12 a tablet.

Also they recently cut the amount of eczema cream and soap substitute I'm prescribed in half. Again - no medical reason for this. It's just it costs around £20 a bottle so now I'm only allowed one bottle a month instead of two.

I'm writing to the GP to ask him to reconsider, can someone help me? What should I say and how should I phrase it? Would it be going too far to mention that the pharmacist has (publicly, in front of other patients) shamed me for the amount my meds cost the country? Would it be too emotive to say "I know I'm costing the country money but I need these things)?

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  • I had a similar situation with medical appliances that were prescribed to me by a specialist
    After a couple months my local GP surgery (who handle the recurring prescription) removed some products from my prescription without telling me, when i phoned them up, the receptionist told me that one of the partners had "determined that the removed products were not necessary"
    I politely but firmly told her that neither of the partners are qualified to determine that, and that i would be notifying the specialist that Dr. [name] was withholding items that he had prescribed
    Two hours later i got a sheepish phone call telling me they had re-added the items and forwarded the prescription to the delivery company

    Maybe playing the GP and specialists off against each other will work for you too?

    • Thanks, I will mention that the neurologist said I can use this daily as a preventative.

      • Be careful between 'can' and 'should'. If your neurologist said you should take 1 a day, that's important. If they said 'can', then you should talk with them about how to know for certain how many to take.