If I had a nickel for every time someone says "this person's being a huge jerk to me but I think they might be neurodivergent"
Regular reminder that being an asshole is not a symptom of any form of neurodivergence. (You can replace “neurodivergent” with depressed, anxious, bipolar, etc. and the diagram works equally well)
ETA: social faux pas, awkwardness, and genuine symptoms of neurodivergence don’t make you an asshole. I shouldn’t have to say this? An “asshole” is someone who enacts a pattern of abusive, controlling, harassing, and/or harmful behavior with no remorse or concern for how other people are affected.
"Neurodivergent" is the latest umbrella term for people to use when lying about themselves. Its too broad a term. It can apply to most people in some shape or form. It's very easy to claim you are neurodivergent but that says very little about anything, including behavior.
It's become the latest fad diagnosis - fibromyalgia, being allergic to smoke, and synestheisa. Look for something that nobody can prove you don't have, and claim it as your own.
For useful discussion, you need to filter the term further. In this thread, there are people describing autism, personality disorders, etc. They are not all the same thing.