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2025 Will Be The Year of Gaming: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread

Getting the year off right by forgetting to post this on Sunday, but better nate than lever. Anyway I watched the Fallout show so I am inspired to play Fallout 4 on survival difficulty. It's been slow going so far as I've died numerous times, often losing ~30 mins of progess. Hope everyone's new year has gotten off to a strong start.

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  • Picked up Mass Effect trilogy remastered on a lark because it was cheap and I didn't know if my computer could run it. Turns out it does. However, I can only muster the motivation to play it late at night and stumbling into ridiculously deep dialogue trees when I want to sleep is really having an impact on my enjoyment of the game.

    • I hope you can find time to play it in a more awake state of mind. I really like the ME games. I haven't played the remasters but I might do it later this year after I finish all the Dragon Age games. Mass Effect 2 is probably in my top 10 games.

      • It’s strange, I played through all three pretty much back to back about ten years ago, really enjoyed them. But I’ve never had the slightest desire to replay them. Not sure why.

        • I get that. I think it's probably because the outcomes are all known. I don't usually replay games except like decades apart because it's pretty easy to see how certain decisions will play out. Like few games with narrative choices are willing to truly let you fail unless you do something obviously disastrous, but if you do the 'right' thing, then everyone is going to survive. You're still going to win, you just might also be a prick to the other characters in the process. So like there's not really that big of a difference between a Paragon vs. Renegade playthrough to justify the length of all 3 games again. Which is also like 100+ hours.