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Yeah but the she-devil Kamala supports post-birth abortions.
a family member
they don't even fucking know what abortion means.
I wish this was an exaggeration
yeah, i mean it's obvious because they keep saying aborting babies which semantically don't make sense. abortion refers to aborting the pregnancy. post-birth abortion is an oxymoron because there is no pregnancy post-birth.
Right. They're willing to believe doctors are slitting infants' throats in order to justify their worldview. They don't even question if that's happening. A long time ago some woman on Facebook told me some absurd number of abortions that were happening every year. When I did the math, I found that if her number was true, that would mean literally on average, 40% of every woman on the planet capable of being pregnant was getting pregnant AND having an abortion. Every fucking year.
When I pointed that out to her, she basically shrugged and reiterated that it didn't matter about specifics, so many children were being murdered that it had to be the top priority to stop it.
How the fuck do you talk sense into someone willing to believe something absurd and then when basic math illustrates that the belief is absurd, they couldn't care less?
You can't logic people out of an opinion they didn't logic themselves into, or however that saying goes. these women will get their own abortion when they need it and still spit on the doctor and call the other patients whores literally on their way out of the clinic.
Yeah, I guess I was naive. I didn't expect this woman to change her whole view on the spot. But I just found it stunning that she could know she was spreading an absolute lie without a doubt and be completely unfazed
You don’t. You can’t out-crazy them with logic. It’s a fruitless endeavor.
My Catholic-ass mom reads a Catholic-ass newspaper and recently told me with complete confidence that Hillary Clinton was the "partial-birth abortion queen". How do you even have a conversation with someone who's ingested so much propaganda?
Gift them a birthing bed with a built in guillotine?
Jokes aside, this is why we should bring back fire bombs.
"She can't even string a sentence together", said after her town hall late in the campaign.
It's like they never fucking listened to a single Trump rally.
Say what you will about Trump he can definitely string a sentence together, hell he can't help himself from stringing 20 into one.
Oh ya, they call that the"weaving" effect, as if it's some sort of special talent just for him. He can masterfully start talking, go off on twenty different subjects, and have them all flow together perfectly in his conclusion.
Sure, this can be done. Not by him.
Yeah that's not a special talent, that's something people with adhd have to learn not to do
Exactly, when I can do it I can't drive safely or pay attention
I too support post birth abortions of healthcare CEOs
Wouldn't opposing post-birth abortions mean more gun control?