How was this a surprise?
How was this a surprise?
How was this a surprise?
I'm laughin at how ugly you seem as a person itt. It's not funny, but what else can i do watching your mask slip? I'm all out of tears watchin others like you fall
You're pretty funny yourself. "The Grapes of Wrath' was all about how much the New Deal helped people. Now you're on the side of a guy who is trashing FDR.
Well what he said about FDRs new deal push is true, communism was much more prevalent in the US before mcarthysism, he was well aware of that, you can find your choice of source.
And the grapes of wrath was, um, NOT about the new deal. It follows a farm family as they are destroyed by the dust bowl and predatory banks, and the struggle against police backed rich landowners in California
You should read it. It's good
Well what he said about FDRs new deal push is true, communism was much more prevalent in the US before mcarthysism, he was well aware of that, you can find your choice of source.
McCarthy came years after FDR died. But yeah, I guess if you don't know history it all happened at once.
Going with deliberately misunderstanding me? Cmon brother i thought you were more talented than this.
But i like you. Believe it or not? I love smartasses, it's fun to beef online. But this is not fun, this lil trick is some gradeschool crap.
I think you're probably better than this. Tomorrow or the day after when you are less upset we can go over ideas for you to up your game.
first one's free playa: don't go after someone named after a character in a book you never read! C'mon! Why? That's just askin to be clowned!
DM me ok? I'm fr can help
So, you're not actually interested in anything but an online beef?
Kinda thought so.
I don't need to seek out more aggro.
Try getting some friends if you want DMs.
Noooooooooooooooo i lost another soul. when will i get a student? Damnit TOM! DAMNIT!
Fine, ill find another grasshopper.