The role that Snyder is playing in justifying the imperialist proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and the alliance of US imperialism with the Ukrainian far right make it imperative to investigate his book more closely.
For context Libs on Bsky are passing aroudn this fascists shithead's bullshit book "On Tyranny" as a manual for "resisting authoritarianism" THE CALL IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE YOU LIBERAL SHITWIPES!
For all the complaints of "antisemitism" of the past several years, it's amazing how Snyder has been able to walk the double genocide tightrope and still be "in good standing".
My favorite question to ask people is, in which Soviet Republic did the ethnic majority become an ethnic minority as a result of the famine(s) of 1930-1933?
Everyone says Ukraine because they're dummies. It's Kazakhstan, and yet you don't see Westoids clammoring to woke genocide narratives on behalf of Kazakhs. Only Anne Applebaum does in deep psychotic NYT op-ed lore as she has to devise a good explanation of why her ideology is not the exact carbon copy of Putin's ideology with some labels moved around.
Even within Soviet Republics, it's super not clear cut what would constitute a genocide here. You have racism against different nationalities. Plenty of Ukrainians when I was growing up called Kazakhs, aziaty or churki and still do. The USSR itself was very anti-peasantry and anti pastoral/nomadic lifestyle.
If we consider the big evil Russian dictator theory both Stalin and Lenin are on record as saying Russian ethnic tendencies are actually the worst. In the history of evil Soviet dictators there are only 3 Russians: Lenin, Andropov and Gorbachev.
Lastly a lot of these fights typically rely on first mover advantage that's found in all pro-Western chauvinism. "We got to do it because we did it before the magical date when it's considered wrongbad." is literally the excuse used by the West for everything they want to condemn from genocide, to energy use, to national development. Even if there was an active evil Soviet plot to sedentarize the Kazahs and remove them from their traditional way of life, there is not a developed nation on earth that practically supports nomadic lifestyles.
It's honestly not a simple question, and in practice a question that people ask solely for political points. If we call/don't call these famines genocide won't actually get us to stop genocides and famines that are currently happening. It's just propaganda.
You know, you raised something in my mind; The Germans committed the Herero genocide in, what, 1898? Okay, 1904 to 1908. The idea that the Germans needed to look outside for inspiration is preposterous on it's face, they'd already committed genocide in their own colonies.
The conflict between agriculturalists and pastoralists/nomads is such an incredibly deep conflict in human history. Any suggested reading for how Khazaks experienced the USSR?
You know, you raised something in my mind; The Germans committed the Herero genocide in, what, 1898? Okay, 1904 to 1908. The idea that the Germans needed to look outside for inspiration is preposterous on it’s face, they’d already committed genocide in their own colonies.
The one reason they'd need outside inspiration is that doing a genocide in a colony is a bit different than bringing the empire home. The colonial apparatus is already primed to do violence against the colonized population. The reason they needed inspiration is because a double sized colonization where you colonize the periphery (Westward expansion) and you recolonize the imperial core (Trail of Tears, slavery, population transfers, Jim Crow) at the same time was really an American invention.
The conflict between agriculturalists and pastoralists/nomads is such an incredibly deep conflict in human history. Any suggested reading for how Khazaks experienced the USSR?
Good overview for the Sovietization of Central Asia is
Inside Central Asia by Dilip Hiro
Nomads and Soviet Rule by Alun Thomas is on my reading list but I haven't gotten to it. So I cannot vouch for its quality.
There's not a lot of "friendliness" in portions of this history so you're not gonna get a lot of good feelings but I've heard good things about:
The Hungry Steppe -- 1930 famine, it's an anti-Stalin polemic so you have to critically read where Cameron is pushing something that she can't actually back up
Atomic Steppe -- How the bomb was developed in Kazakhstan
Steppe Dreams -- Post-Soviet studies
In practice a lot of this is really the history of colonial conquest...
Japan's Siberian intervention, 1918-1922. tells the story of Japans attempt at the same region during the same time.
There is also Ostsiedlung and the so-called "Germanisation" of western slavic peoples like Wends, Polabians, etc. going back to like the 9th century; this historical record was used by the Nazis for the justification of Lebensraum.
It's seriosly annoying, when people will only acknowledge a genocide to say 'communism bad', its like the fascist 'anti sex trafficking' panic-they dont actually care about the victims or want to stop it from happening again, and it's almost worse than a denial
My favorite stuff to read in genocide studies is when Western academics shiv each other on political grounds.
Norman Naimark is an interesting case. He's a super right wing guy, Hoover Institution, literally Galician parents and all that. Wrote a book called Stalin's Genocides
He's unique because he posits that the definition of genocide should be broadened and one of this hobby horses (that I interestingly enough entertain and mildly agree with) is that kulaks became a targeted class. Which brings up some interesting points like, if I manufacture a class of people that are labeled as enemies, and I just slide those goalposts to be able to push more people into that class does that constitute a genocide? It's a very postmodern proposal to redefine genocide.
Ironically another right wing guy called Michael Ellman does not like Naimarks theory because:
"The liberal interpretation of genocide that Naimark favors is... in line with recent jurisprudence. However, he fails to point out the boomerang effect of such an interpretation. According to a recent book by a U.S. specialist on genocide... the massacres of some of the native Americans by European settlers, the Atlantic Slave Trade, the use of a nuclear bomb against Nagasaki...should all be considered genocides. This would make the United States founded on two genocides and guilty... of more... In view of this boomerang effect, my advice to Western governments is to stick to a strict constructionist interpretation of genocide. Hence, I disagree with Naimark’s wish to classify Stalin’s mass murders as genocide."
It would stain the credibility of the United States.....
Ironically, Snyder and Applebaum (like Naimark) point to the USSR's advocacy for current and specific definition of genocide as the reason that USSR actions don't fall into the legalistic criteria of genocide, they also do not see this potential for blowback. Ellman doesn't even acknowledge things in recent history that would fit the extended definition (which would effectively add all ethnic cleansing into the criterion) such as "Mexican Repatriation".
It's almost like this term is a political football in-as much as it is a descriptor of historic atrocity.
Turns out communists target classes. Weren't they extremely explicit about this? And the pearl-clutching libs then say that "every domestic enemy of the state was called a kulak"
Or do you mean, like, they were all explicitly targeted with death as the only allowable outcome rather than the dissolution of there class? (a number of them were killed either way, of course)
The history of kulaks is a history of a ridiculous unforced error in Bolshevik ideology.
To start off the history of Bolshevik thought towards peasants is idiotic in reality. By 1917 Russian peasants weren't entirely free, and those that were were only free in a highly complex technical way. Serfom "ended" in 1861, but much like slavery in the US, it merely changed form mostly into share cropping. The Stolypin Reforms of 1901-1903 effectively emancipated more peasants, but there was still vast uneven emancipation, and for the ones that were most affected by the reforms turned the relation from sharecropping/landlord/tenant to banking/loan/debtor. So by 1917 the most successful peasants had only had ~15 years of freedom.
The Bolshevik's had another problem which was their peasant/worker cosmology. Under Leninism peasants are not proletarians. Let me underline that. Under Leninism anyone who worked on a farm was not a worker in the communist sense. The reason for this is tactical. Leninism starts in the factories of powerful provinces. If you know the history you can see where this becomes a problem. Cities need food.
So Lenin devised an entire cosmology for peasants, bednyaks the "poorest", serednyak "middle [income]", and kulaks "fist [owners]". There was also batrak landless seasonal workers. Out of all of these the Bolsheviks only considered bednyaks and bartaks allies. And here's where the problems start coming, in 1917 the definition of kulak was whatever the hell a local Soviet thought it was the most charitable example is "peasants who own more property than average". Did I mention that:
This was only 15 years of emancipation
This was during a civil war
This was literally left up to individual subjectivity of those carrying out class warfare on the country side
The only way Lenin could feed cities and armies was by expropriating from the country side (first five year plan)
So we're starting off in a pretty bad, inaccurate, highly subjective, highly dubious place. Then as 1917 and 1918 happen there are the hanging orders calling for explicit liquidations of kulaks.
The first time that "kulak" is defined in any appreciable objective criterion is in 1929, and the definition starts out reasonable and just goes insane.
Any person using hired labor
Okay yeah sure
Systematic renting out of agricultural equipment or facilities.
Yeah okay sure means of production
Involvement in trade, money-lending, commercial brokerage, or "other sources of non-labor income."
Yeah okay sure brokerage and capital development
Ownership of a mill, creamery or machine with a motor
Hmm okay, I guess you can make a case here.
Ownership of a butterchurn
Yeah wtf bro.
Visually this was released in 1926 to explain the 3 broad categories of peasantry.
The problem is that both in 1917 - 1920 and in 1929 both the first and second categories were targetted as kulaks. In fact Trotsky who was the boogeyman doing this during the revolution said that Stalin's dekulakization was a "liquidation" and a "monstrosity". Trotsky operated as an ends justify the means guy, and this is him saying the ends do not justify the means.
As this relates to the concept of genocide, it might be easier to explain by talking through bourgeoisie. Thru a Marxist lens we know that the "superstructure" is derrived from the "base", these two concepts are roughly analgous to culture/education/ethnic taxonomies and wealth/economics/material reality respectively. So what determines a "people" is what is in the superstructure. Through this lens Marxism does posit that the bourgeoisie can be taxonomized as a distinct people. In modern society this is very evident. THe bourgoisie across the world have a lot more in common with each-other than with the societies that they come from. There's a term for global capitalist architecture that the bourgosie develop called 'placeless architecture' etc. etc. So from a Marxist perspective it's quite literally easy to tie classicide to genocide.
Obviously the usage of these concepts in both pro-communist and anti-communists texts are more polemic arguments for a political view point rather than actual systemic understandings of crimes against humanity or morality. And it's important to see that Marx himself thought that the dissolution of these classes or peoples was inevitable, not that it was inherently moral. As Marx himself pointed out morality is constructed in the superstructure according to the material reality of the base. Which is a relativistic answer rather than an objective one. Which really places the onus on communists not to take the cop out of difficult moral conversations regarding the development of communism both current and historic. e.g. "class morality" and other common bromides are an observation not an excuse. In the same way they attacked us on October 7th is an observation not an excuse.
I love being in a leftist space where people can actually critically analyze the actual successes and failures of communist states in good faith. You've given me much to think about.
It's really refreshing to see a criticism of Stalin (and the Bolsheviks more broadly) that goes beyond the token "criticisms" tankie spaces usually make (e.g. Stalin shouldn't have stopped at Berlin, the mass relocations were bad but totally not unforced atrocities, etc.) while also not falling into the shitlib "Stalin was literally Hitler who fusion danced with Hitler to form a double Hitler and do hella genocide" kind of shit.
So there's not a lot of "popular history" of this kind of stuff in the West.
I've gotten a lot of this knowledge mostly by studying history and reading the works of Marx/Lenin/Trotsky/Mao. You can get a lot of really good basic info if you study the Sino-Soviet Split (The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World)
For specific recommendations that are accessible:
Vanguard of the Revolution: The Global Idea of the Communist Party - Good primer about global communist development
The New Class by Milovan Djilas - this is the OG book of "I've been trying to build this shit and I'm mad at what we've built"
Conversations with Stalin by Milovan Dijas is also a good read because it really explains the reality of the consequences of USSR foreign policy in places where it needed to succeed the most in real communism building ways and not in "fight America" ways.
Also if you read The New Class absolutely must read The New Industrial State and the Affluent Society by Gailbraith because the entirety of the structure of Djilas and Gailbraith lines up, you start to see the patterns that are literally about industrial production as a social process in and of itself has hard problems that were solved in almost the exact same ways on both sides of the Iron Curtain, leading to similar outcomes of social stratification, one capitalist and one communist.
Other than that back copies of Comparative Communist Studies and Communist and Post Communist Studies from JSTOR or however you can get academic publications have been really interesting to me.
Under Leninism peasants are not proletarians. Let me underline that. Under Leninism anyone who worked on a farm was not a worker in the communist sense.
This is just a silly thing for you to say. "Proletarian" does not mean the same thing as "worker," it refers to someone who is reliant on selling their labor for wages. Peasants and proletarians are both workers, and it's a basic feature of the development of (e.g. European) capitalism that there were successive stages of owning and working classes.
I really don't think the butter-churn benchmark was representative of Leninist theory about divisions in the peasantry* (which is not me saying that they didn't make catastrophic errors). It feels to me like saying "People engaged in ritual cannibalism during the Cultural Revolution" as a way of characterizing the CR. Yes, such a thing did happen as far as I can tell, but it's not like it was a national issue or part of Mao's doctrine, it was a bizarre thing that took hold among certain factions in a certain region during a period of upheaval.
Obviously, Mao handled the peasant question much better, it's probably what he is given the most credit for, but he does something similar in his ""cosmology"" in terms of dividing the peasantry into three major types, (poor, middle, rich) and aligning himself fundamentally with the poor while accepting collaboration with the middle, making distinctions about "well-to-do middle peasants" and so on. Here's an example from Stalin. This is not to say Lenin and Stalin did not make grave errors, I repeat that they did, but when you were sneering about a ""cosmology,"" you were failing to explain these differences against Mao.
Lastly, I admit that Trotsky was more honest before his exile, but I really question using him as a source for criticizing Stalin when he would historically go on to do any anticommunist thing he had to in order to attack Stalin. I don't think you need to go and get, idk, some troubled journal entry from Molotov, your point is made, I just think speaking of Trotsky as though he's credible is, uh, fraught.
*Edit: I reread your post and it seems to be suggesting that the butter-churn thing actually came from Moscow. Is that so?
I'm going to address one or two points because it's unique and the rest is just copy and pasting from classic apologia, and if we start looking at the feasibility of best case Soviet side through numbers, you'll just start saying Big Black Book of Gommunism.
This is just a silly thing for you to say. “Proletarian” does not mean the same thing as “worker,” it refers to someone who is reliant on selling their labor for wages. Peasants and proletarians are both workers, and it’s a basic feature of the development of (e.g. European) capitalism that there were successive stages of owning and working classes.
There is no practical difference between a proletarian who sells his labor for a wage, and a tenant farmer who takes on debt for land. You're merely comodifying the means of production in sharecropping. In fact there's a composite of this relationship at some of the most exploitative shops where workers also have to rent tools from their bosses. In 2024 it's on its face ridiculous to attempt to segregate farm labor from industrial labor rather than advocate for labor solidarity, that's exactly how I know you're writing apologia.
Obviously, Mao handled the peasant question much better, it’s probably what he is given the most credit for, but he does something similar in his ““cosmology”” in terms of dividing the peasantry into three major types, (poor, middle, rich) and aligning himself fundamentally with the poor while accepting collaboration with the middle, making distinctions about “well-to-do middle peasants” and so on
Mao is writing from 1955 when the rewards of the revolution have been realized by the peasantry, the literal beginning of what you've linked states, that rich peasants emerged from the middle and middle from the poor as a result of the revolution. This is adressing accumulation of wealth under a system that has already brought benefits to its people. Under Lenin and Stalin peasantry literally didn't realize the benefits of the revolution until after WW2.
Not only that but Mao consistently self criticized his own leadership about bringing more development to the rural areas, a tradition that is still passed down in the CCP today despite Dengism.
Also Mao himself writes a critique of the explicit problems of Bolshevik revolution in On the Ten Major Relationships (1956 literally one year later) which mirror mine (I wonder where I stole them), and serve as a second source to back up the reasons for material conditions made in claims from the 1955 piece.
The Soviet Union has adopted measures which squeeze the peasants very hard. It takes away too much from the peasants at too low a price through its system of so-called obligatory sales [2] and other measures. This method of capital accumulation has seriously dampened the peasants' enthusiasm for production. You want the hen to lay more eggs and yet you don't feed it, you want the horse to run fast and yet you don't let it graze. What kind of logic is that!
Our policies towards the peasants differ from those of the Soviet Union and take into account the interests of both the state and the peasants. Our agricultural tax has always been relatively low. In the exchange of industrial and agricultural products we follow a policy of narrowing the price scissors, a policy of exchanging equal or roughly equal values. The state buys agricultural products at standard prices while the peasants suffer no loss, and, what is more, our purchase prices are gradually being raised. In supplying the peasants with manufactured goods we follow a policy of larger sales at a small profit and of stabilizing or appropriately reducing their prices; in supplying grain to the peasants in grain-deficient areas we generally subsidize such sales to a certain extent. Even so, mistakes of one kind or another will occur if we are not careful. In view of the grave mistakes made by the Soviet Union on this question, we must take greater care and handle the relationship between the state and the peasants well.
Similarly, the relationship between the co-operative and the peasants should be well handled. What proportion of the earnings of a co-operative should go to the state, to the co-operative and to the peasants respectively and in what form should be determined properly. The amount that goes to the co-operative is used directly to serve the peasants. Production expenses need no explanation, management expenses are also necessary, the accumulation fund is for expanded reproduction and the public welfare fund is for the peasants' well-being. However, together with the peasants, we should work out equitable ratios among these items. We must strictly economize on production and management expenses. The accumulation fund and the public welfare fund must also be kept within limits, and one shouldn't expect all good things to be done in a single year.
Except in case of extraordinary natural disasters, we must see to it that, given increased agricultural production, go per cent of the co-operative members get some increase in their income and the other lo per cent break even each year, and if the latter's income should fall, ways must be found to solve the problem in good time.
In short, consideration must be given to both sides, not to just one, whether they are the state and the factory, the state and the worker, the factory and the worker, the state and the co-operative, the state and the peasant, or the co-operative and the peasant. To give consideration to only one side, whichever it may be, is harmful to socialism and to the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is a big question which concerns 600 million people, and it calls for repeated education in the whole Party and the whole nation.
And by the way what was promised to the peasantry by Lenin in Proletariat and Peasantry was never delivered, not by Lenin and certainly not by Stalin.
You were so much nicer to me before, but in my process of trying to look up that butterchurn thing, all I found was an argument that you had with Barx 12 days ago, where you had a tone much more like you have here. I'm not sure what I did to deserve it. Also I still want a source on the butterchurn thing.
In 2024 it's on its face ridiculous to attempt to segregate farm labor from industrial labor
I would consider farm labor in a modern state like the US to be proletarian. This should be obvious. It's a backward country in many ways, but the relations of production are not medieval.
rather than advocate for labor solidarity,
Even if they [modern American rural workers] were peasants, or we were talking about an industrializing nation in the modern day that actually does have something like a medieval peasantry alongside a proletariat, I would advocate for solidarity among the working classes against the owning classes. Nothing I said contradicted that. You underestimate how specific a criticism I was making, just because I support one of Lenin's premises in a defective argument does not mean I support every premise, every inference, and every conclusion. You're shadowboxing.
that's exactly how I know you're writing apologia.
Butterchurn is Conquest's Harvest of Sorrow. It's because local ispolkoms could add criteria to the list and poor rural areas added butterchurns. It's not like it doesn't make sense or is out of the ordinary. Look at the difference between family 1 and family 2 in the image. Family one owns a couple of hand tools, family 2 owns a horse and a plow and a couple pieces of non mechanized farm machinery. Family 2 is not part of the alliance according to Lenin cuz they're middle peasants. It all literally adds up, that's how butterchurns get on these lists.
Like yeah that happened, that didn't preclude the modernization of the country under the USSR, modernization happened in spite of Stalinist mismanagement.
You want more fun stories here's a secondary Russian source detailing how marrying the sons of someone who was considered a kulak and even if that kulak was dispossessed, made the women who married the sons, and their parents kulaks.
you underestimate how specific a criticism I was making, just because I support one of Lenin’s premises in a defective argument does not mean I support every premise, every inference, and every conclusion
The criticism makes no sense because Marxist-Leninist conception it's based on makes no sense. Lenin and Stalin repressed the peasants reflexively before an owner-worker form could bootstrap among the class. The issue that Mao points out is that there was a feudal relationship between the peasants of the USSR and the USSR itself, minimum quotas and obligatory sales are literally painting a landlord peasant relationship red.
The reason I'm upset is that this is such a lazy, annoying and tiring line of argument when people are like 'what do you mean the Stalinist repressions were repressive and ridiculous?' or 'what do you mean Bolsheviks completely fucked up with the peasants? I'm posting "Mao Zedong Thought" here'. It's reflexively defensive because just because I'm not writing praise at every immediate moment I must be a SECRET LIB.
And in reality guess what all states fuck their people up, in fact my actual position on this is that industrial production is incredibly morally difficult and society in general has only very recently even been able to create the most basic tools to understand how to more equitably do it, and I'm still not sure if it's actually possible to have a fully moral industrial production.
I literally recommended The New Class /The Industrial Society/ The Affluent Society in another part of this post, (which are books written on different sides of the iron curtain by different people that point out the same organic developments among industrialized economies one capitalist, one socialist) and you're here expecting a point by point defense of every single accusation levied against Stalin of all people. Literally the communist that was hated by almost every other communist in reality.
Regarding the motive for cannibalism, Ding Xueliang (丁学良), a professor at the University of British Columbia and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, pointed out that "this was not cannibalism because of economic difficulties, like during famine. It was not caused by economic reasons, it was caused by political events, political hatred, political ideologies, political rituals."[7][22] Qin Hui also showed with statistics that the cannibalism was not due to the traditions of local ethnic minorities; he argued that the cannibalism was mainly due to: 1) the extreme class struggle during the Cultural Revolution, which led to a modern "caste" system (such as the Five Black Categories) and an extreme massacre towards the lower class from the upper class; 2) the revenge from the local officials and military towards the rebel group who challenged their interests.[23]
Yeah fun fact that I just wanted to look it up. Naimark has basically gone on an Israeli podcast and has toed the academic line, about how you can't just destroy Palestinians because you want to. He didn't call it a genocide, he explicitly denied it was a genocide but said it was ethnic cleansing. And he also used the term "the so-called Nakba".
The host by the end of it looks so sad because he really thought he was gonna get this Jewish Genocide Studies scholar to definitively say, YOU CAN TREAT THE PALESTINIANS LIKE DOGS.
My understanding is "ethnic cleansing" is a euphemism for genocide with no distinct meaning. It's used to launder certain genocides as "less bad". Is that a fair assessment?
In terms of a distinct meaning, ethnic cleansing is a descriptor of generally dispossessing a people, where genocide is a descriptor of destroying a people. You can ethnically cleanse people without destroying them.
Genocide itself used in the IR sense is a legal charge according to the genocide convention. Not all ethnic cleansing counts as genocide in the genocide convention.
Ugh. So many former humans choosing to join a 'protocols of the elders of Zion'/'the turner diaries' crossover LARP, and everyone just keeps kayfabe. Like they can be neutral on this shit.