For Agitprop purposes, I’m asking comrades to help aggregate any and all effortpost responses, critiques, or general thoughts that you have seen or written pertaining to yesterday’s U.S. election that you think have standalone value for discussion either online or IRL.
I made a post for that purpose here, and ideally it can be used not only for general discussion, but as a reference for well thought out responses in discussions about the election to save all of us some brainpower.
No shitposts please, as we’d like to highlight some comrades’ actual effort in constructing responses or analysis, but humor is 100% welcome to help make your point!
Consider the fact that from 1980-2016 (the era of neoliberalism), every president other than Bush Sr was a two-term president (and Bush Sr really was just Reagan’s third term). Then from 2016 on not only do we have single-term presidents, but we are switching parties each time.
Conditions are degrading and the nation that believes the only solution to problems is to vote is trying to mash the buttons to make things better
Yes, in my analysis Obama is like the transition period. His massive auto industry handouts won him Ohio in 2012 and otherwise he also would have been a 1 term president.