For Agitprop purposes, I’m asking comrades to help aggregate any and all effortpost responses, critiques, or general thoughts that you have seen or written pertaining to yesterday’s U.S. election that you think have standalone value for discussion either online or IRL.
I made a post for that purpose here, and ideally it can be used not only for general discussion, but as a reference for well thought out responses in discussions about the election to save all of us some brainpower.
No shitposts please, as we’d like to highlight some comrades’ actual effort in constructing responses or analysis, but humor is 100% welcome to help make your point!
I say I don’t care about this election, but living in the heart of the great satan and hearing everyone talk about it, it’s hard not to be at least a little interested in the results.
How I feel about it seems to be completely dependent upon the last person I talked to. After Kamala announced her candidacy I was going hard on my anti-kkkopmala shit since the libs were being so completely insufferable. Now that things have calmed down a bit and I’ve gone back to my normal state of having to deal with chuds constantly, I’m more inclined to hate Trump more since I would just relish the chance to see these people eat shit a second time. Bonus would be seeing Elon’s meltdown in real time. Lucky for me it’s pretty much 50-50 and could go either way!
I've settled on the dialecticly correct position, which is that there's one party in the US and a struggle for control between two of it's factions is not going to meaningfully change policy or outcomes.
If you feel your hate for BlueMAGA waning just go on Bluesky for 20 minutes and it'll get your blood pressure right back in to the hypertension rang. f