Haha reinstall drivers is still an official way to fix things??? 3 and a half decades in and sounds like windows still "hold my beer" and self destructs like a plastic chair left in the sun.
reboot is the only solution, followed by full reinstall which is the only solution. Or just use arch btw lol
Ps: I don't use arch but that joke is too easy to pass
try clearing your cookies or whatever on whatever browser and sign in page for that, I need to do that every now and again and I lose my shit every time.
Sadly I think it has more to do with the way Windows handles stuff in general. My personal machine seems to have no issues, LMDE with the foxes (Firefox/LibreWolf); my work computer though, Windows with the chromes (Edge/Chrome) seems to get confused the moment their is a second profile in the browser.
All that being said, I've definitely tried clearing the cookies and just living with it.