There are some bullshit laws making helping people illegal, like I think it's illegal to give food to a homeless person some places. Probably hasn't done that?
Not a myth exactly. The good Samaritan is more about liability right? Well, some towns are designating only certain areas that people can give homeless food, in many senses punishing generosity to the poor.
The aclu would jump on it no issues, it's a slam dunk civil rights issue that's sorta their jams.
Ed: change didn't come without challenge, if you're too concerned about it not working to try it you'll never actually know if it would work. Why give up before you start.
Given he's spent enough of his life flaunting his wealth, I'm guessing he usually gets driven by a chauffeur, and doesn't drive himself much. I'd totally believe he hadn't broken any DUI laws, but I wouldn't put it past him either.