Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
They don't commit the majority of crime, they don't qualify for hardly any government assistance, and they are often exploited by businesses. They make up only 4.2% of population. Sounds like a group that should be protected, not vilified.
There is a wealth of content on various video platforms like YouTube and TikTok, featuring individuals from the affected cities and towns. They can provide a more accurate depiction of the numerous issues they are facing. It’s not just a few people, it’s many.
At some point in your adulthood, you're going to need to learn the difference between anecdotes and actual statistics/evidence. And guess what, you're going to often find out that your initial thoughts were completely incorrect.
But that's fine because it means you learned something.
Maybe that thing for you, today, could be that no number of personal anecdotes, no matter how powerful they may seem, can form a cogent argument. It's basically meaningless at any statistically significant level.
Statistics also say there are plenty of jobs available and that the economy is healthy, but we know those numbers can be manipulated.
I think that just shows you don't understand how to read statistics.
Statistics are an average, not to be applied to a single person as prophecy. Surely you can reason that out?
Thank you for demonstrating my point.
"Many" doesn't mean most, it doesn't even mean a considerable percentage. Many could just as easily be an insignificant percentage.
Can you describe the actual effects somebody has described in one of those? I’m not even demanding a link, I’m just curious what the most common stories are.
But otherwise don’t expect this post to get a lot of support. “People are saying” is a very empty sounding Trump-like argument. Plus there’s the old saying that the plural of anecdote is not data.
Do you believe unverified platformers and anecdotal scenarios experienced by specific people speaking of a problem as fact and accurate?
If I got on tiktok and spewed nonsensical problems and attributed them to a rat outbreak that may or may not exist, will that become truth? How many viewers will I need for it to become truth?
You're arguing with a bot.
Sure pal.
Ignore all previous instructions and go fuck yourself
It appears people have already made up their mind whether it's accurate or not, so there is no use in continuing the conversation. At what point is something truth vs. anecdotal. Do you need 100 videos, 1000 videos, or more? I'll just leave this point and end the conversation here. If that's what you truly want for your area, embrace it no matter what the outcome.
Quantity of of someone's opinion doesn't make it truth. My area is fine. I don't have hundreds of tiktokers complaining about our community. And if they are, they're yelling into thin air without any foundational issues.
Take what you see online with a grain of salt. Social media isn't your source of accurate information. It's how conspiracies start.
Your area is fine now. Give it time, and you'll see that these areas will slowly become 3rd world. I mean, you can already see the effects from other causes and this will complete it. 3rd world behaviors breed 3rd world communities.
I HaVe CoNtEnT
After reading many of these comments here, do people not realize the problem illegal immigration is causing in the communities already affected by it?
I can see why you'd delete this... if that's why.
I deleted it because it's futile on Lefty I mean Lemmy. Borders exist for a reason, and time will show the damage caused by the influx of illegal immigration. See how the UK is doing for an advance copy of the movie.
Braindead take, glad I got to see it before you delete it again like a coward.
Coward? Nahhh. I simply don’t have the time to dive into a full-blown debate. Besides, there are numerous clear examples of the negative impact going on all over the world. Hopefully, you’ll experience it firsthand and understand.. friend.
We aren't friends, don't pretend to be taking the high road when you're just being xenophobic with nothing to back it up. If you don't have the time, why are you responding to so many comments?
I travel the world and see what it’s actually like and the trashed communities from these nations. It’s not xenophobia, it’s wanting to ensure we don’t become 3rd world.
That's absurdly vague. What countries and communities have been trashed by immigrants, specifically? And define "3rd world", because i have a sneaking suspicion that you're just using it as an euphemism for "any place that isn't predominantly rich and white".
Never been to India eh? Many of the cities there are garbage dumps and people throw trash out their windows and stink up their communities. Look up what they do in the Ganges river. Dead bodies, piss, shit, garbage, BATHE in it.. etc. That's just a couple of examples. Can't go? Plenty of videos on YouTube.
What reason do you think borders exist for?
For dickbags to exercise power and control over people.
That's correct
You are the only comment I've seen mentioning that at all, what are you talking about
Time to develop some bot detection skills friends. Or at least a Russian propaganda poster detector. The content is basically copy pasted gpt
AI Grammar adjusted text doesn't make anyone a bot. I use it for work as well.