Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
My God that headline is terrible. That's the most sane shit he said.
"When people ask me...What’s gonna happen if the Flip — Flopping, Laughing Hyena Wins?? I say...write down all the addresses of the people who had her signs in their yards! Sooo...when the Illegal human ‘Locust’ (which she supports!) Need places to live...We’ll already have the addresses of the their New families...who supported their arrival!" the post said.
He shouldn't have access to sharp objects, nonetheless a firearm, or be fucking Sheriff. He's a danger to his community.
The "locust" bit is getting far too little attention. The history of comparing undesirable populations with vermin is long and filled with horrific violence.
He shouldn’t have access to sharp objects, nonetheless a firearm, or be fucking Sheriff. He’s a danger to his community.
So, par for the course with US law enforcement.
"locust" is for those times when nazi rhetoric doesn't feel biblical enough.
These guys are always painfully blind to the defense budgets they support.
Voter suppression. Someone contact the FBI about him. I already notified them about the lunatic lady who threatened trans people.
They'll literally track anyone but gun owners.
Yeah, let's keep a list of who's not armed so they can cross reference that with their sign list before they go on the offensive. Great idea.
The feds have a list of gun owners, it's just not pulled from gun sales or anything like that. It comes from data, bought up from internet data brokers, deanonymized and put into your FBI file. Like if you're liking and sharing a bunch of ammosexuals and tacticool content, or whatever you're doing publicly online, the feds know.
Dude might have just fucked himself.
He's racked up complaints all the way up to the DoJ, and this story is gaining national traction.
Our AG Milquetoast might have to take action on this. It's voter intimidation.
lol. Our AG has no respect for his role in America. He has extremely important responsibilities to act but only seems interested in watching MAGAts (at least the elected ones) get away scott free.
Thank God for Jack Smith.
gaining national traction.
I'm over here on the other side of the world, reading this in a different country.
Wouldn't that make that... international?
Im trans and I have multiple trump people in my neighborhood. My partner and I have agreed us putting up either pride flags or Harris signs would simply make ourselves targets since we live in a red state and county. I don't want people like this to put me on a list so they can come and attack the house if their fascist leader comes into power. Something that while they would want to do, I'm not positive they'd actually have the guts to do.
Regardless, this shit terrifies me.
I hope you don't feel any shame in this. It's absolutely disgusting that you live with this sort of fear, and I hope you have a community that you can rely on.
Also, I saw that someone suggested learning to handle firearms, which I agree with, but if home defense is what you're going for, a good ole fashioned Louisville Slugger will also often do the truck
Are you armed? You don't have to reveal political affiliation to go to a gun range and learn how to shoot and basic gun safety.
Im not trans but I often think about my leftist views being on the Internet, in the surveillance age, we really really cannot let these motherfuckers into more power. Shit will hit the fan quickly.
I'm a paranoid sort. If I paraded a quarter of the signs, flags, offensive bumper stickers, et. al., of some of my neighbors in my red state, I would just expect that my property would be vandalized, my family threatened, my life endangered. I'm intentionally avoiding showing up on any "lists" that might be composed regarding people from different tribes. It's not right that this is a problem, but it is reality.
Two of our (gay couple) neighbors said something similar to me a while back: They're too afraid to put up a sign or flag.
My house doesn't have any LGBTQ people living in it but we have a HUGE fucking LGBTQ flag right across from the American flag. It's been such a blessing too! Now the most annoying of my neighbors don't try to smalltalk with me anymore about their absolutely batshit insane conspiracy theories 👍
I say we keep a list of fascist sheriffs instead.
A list of sherriffs, then?
There is a map! Add the fascists and protect yourselves. https://magatmap.com
Because those are the ones making bomb threats. Racist fucking bastard.
Anybody voting republican is actively encouraging this nazi shit, and if they don't realize they are they're probably too stupid to be voting.
Add fascists to the map! https://magatmap.com
unfortunately the only people who are too stupid to vote are those who don't or those who vote third party knowing they have no chance. it's like Darwin awards but instead of the gene pool they take themselves out of the voting pool.
actually, if it goes a certain way maybe out of the gene pool as well.
Sounds illegal.
It's not illegal when the police do it.
True but they do have addresses don’t they?
How so?
I propose public officials that appeal to the masses for surveillance be surveiled aggressively.
In other countries, not only would the voter suppression be illegal, but racial hate speech would also land this fucker in jail.
America truly is a special place.
I know those yard signs helps me to identify the racists in my neighborhood.
... huh?
Flip the script.
Add fascists to the map! https://magatmap.com
What happens if you send Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski a picture of his house with a Kamala sign on it?
Police investigation of the highest order.
I keep a list of states I won't set foot in.
Yeah. The "United" ones are pretty high up.
Agreed. At least until after their civil war and subsequent liberation from christofascism / white nationalism. Ironic how the angriest, most poisoned, deranged savages are in the most incompetently governed republican strongholds...
That’s entirely by design.
Taking ACAB to a whole new level.
Police are fine with not following the law and pushing it to the limits to harass people. Be safe out there if you plant your sign for whoever you're voting for.
I've been saying the fascists do this already. Add the fascists to https://magatmap.com to protect yourself and your community.
EDIT - For the apologists in this thread: https://ideatrash.net/2018/06/if-theres-one-nazi-or-a-racist-at-the-table.html
What good does it do to highlight random citizens? Of it was businesses and politicians. But this does not help. Is there any confirmation that these people are trumpers.
Nope. Just pictures of people's homes and addresses and whatever anyone wants to put on the description. Take a picture of your neighbor that took your parking spot and say they shoot at people and see what happens! Fun for the whole family!
What an awful, ugly idea.
The pictures are required to show something connecting them. Fascist flags, signs, dogwhistles.
I would not doubt that like around where I live, they fly huge ass "Trump 2024" flags on their property making it obvious who they support.
I agree it doesn't help, though.
Counterargument to your trash idea link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Davis
Por que no los dos? Mr. Davis does fine work. People can change, but until then others should be concerned for their safety around them.
You can tell a lot about that site, since Texas and New Hampshire are empty.
You mean that it's just getting started and grassroots? You got it! Still very new and spreading the word.
Interesting people still don't understand the paradox of tolerance or fascism and anti-fascism. They are this close to loosing their democracy but think there won't be any political violence from the fascists.
I'd bring up the various nonaggression pacts made with fascists in the past, but so far I think it would fall on deaf ears. Tolerance leads to fascist control.
During the last election, there were a band of Yahoo's running around with a spray paint marker putting blue dots in front of houses that had Democrat yard signs.
They're preparing for civil war. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but they are marking targets.
For years, the American center-left has been casting these threats as illegitimate. Gravy seals, yall queda, meal team six, etc.
And now since they have successfully downplayed this threat, we are woefully unprepared. People need to get armed, now.
No. you're just trying to stir up a civil war. People need to go drink tea with their neighbours, now.
That doesn’t matter
All that matters is the side the army takes
Now if you’re looking to start a terrorist group, that would be much more effective than buying a gun. However there are obvious downsides to that too
Time to elect a new Sheriff
If I lived near him, I would post a list of Trump sign addresses and include his. He probably still would lack the cognitive ability to understand that his suggestion was wrong, but I bet he would want to do something about me.
I’ve got a personal list of businesses with Trump signs in my area. They won’t ever get a dime of my money.
Same with garage sales, and Facebook marketplace transactions. If they have have a Trump sign, they aren’t getting my money.
I've seen an uptick of maga flags and even appeal to heaven flag. I wish there was an easy way to send these addresses somewhere to automatically sign them up for klan and legit Nazi paraphernalia and mailing lists...which sadly they're probably already on
I've done the same with businesses that stayed open during Covid lockdowns, especially restaurants. If they don't care about a global pandemic, they're probably not handling food properly, following proper cleaning protocols, etc.
Add fascists to the map! https://magatmap.com
I've been running over Trump signs with my car. It's fun.
Fill their yards with Kamala signs instead. Damaging Trump signs encourages them to buy more, which supports the Trump campaign.
Nah if you run over them you get to fuck up their lawns too.
Shit. You drive over a sign like that within 500 yards of Drump and it would be considered an assassination attempt.
I've been thinking about doing this on my motorcycle. Might have to actually go through with it lol
I see a sheriff that wants me to take a shit on his lawn
evergreen tweet
His address is public record. You can look it up on the county auditor's web site.
Voter registration records, including party affiliation, are also public records in Ohio.
Things the government should have lists of:
people who own guns
Political opponents
Ohio sheriff spotted linking ears with RFK Jr. followed by reported sounds of moaning, "violent, fleshy worm movement" and the smell of celebratory, rotted bear meat.
Drop abunch on his property while hes away
Use a robot to secretly paint "Kamala" on his lawn. For bonus points use AI to generate an image of him kissing Kamala and use that as the image (wonder what kind of resolution one can get on a lawn? 🤔)
The post text is exactly as coherent as I imagined it would be.
Ohio ex sheriff*
Beep boop
Dewine says he can’t remove the dude here: https://www.wkyc.com/video/news/local/3news-at-6/gov-mike-dewine-calls-portage-county-sheriffs-comments-about-harris-supporters-very-unfortunate/95-4f3b90dd-1cf8-4243-a148-c90ed821c38a
but the Ohio revised code seems to suggest he can? https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-3.08
this comment section is a dumpster fire, I thought one of the points with lemmy was to have civilized discussion instead of tribalistic "me good, them bad" arguments? i myself am a hair right of center, but respect democrats for believing what they belive can't we agree what this asswipe of a sheriff, and magatmap are doing is fucking wrong? god we need to throw this entire political system out
If you're still voting for the republicans you're supporting fascism. And that is not civilized. Because fascism means that fascist violence will become inevitable.
If he was doing it for Republican's and Democrats in order to identify the Traitors to the Republic, it would be more in line with reality.
Oath of allegiance - what does it say, and what does it mean for a sheriff?
They don't commit the majority of crime, they don't qualify for hardly any government assistance, and they are often exploited by businesses. They make up only 4.2% of population. Sounds like a group that should be protected, not vilified.
After reading many of these comments here, do people not realize the problem illegal immigration is causing in the communities already affected by it?
I can see why you'd delete this... if that's why.