Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs

Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
Ohio sheriff suggests residents keep a list of homes with Harris yard signs
I've been saying the fascists do this already. Add the fascists to https://magatmap.com to protect yourself and your community.
EDIT - For the apologists in this thread: https://ideatrash.net/2018/06/if-theres-one-nazi-or-a-racist-at-the-table.html
What good does it do to highlight random citizens? Of it was businesses and politicians. But this does not help. Is there any confirmation that these people are trumpers.
Nope. Just pictures of people's homes and addresses and whatever anyone wants to put on the description. Take a picture of your neighbor that took your parking spot and say they shoot at people and see what happens! Fun for the whole family!
What an awful, ugly idea.
The pictures are required to show something connecting them. Fascist flags, signs, dogwhistles.
Still just random people. Not cops or government officials or something.
Sounds like it's as random as the list this sherrif's putting together, don't it?
And you want to be like them? Focus on cops and ceos and government officials otherwise it's pointless
you don't get it. it takes people to elect the officials. the people are the base of support. they need to be blacklisted. it's time to clean up our own back yard. this is the only way to stop fascism, corporate overreach and eco dystopia.
How do you propose to "clean up" these people? I'm getting chills reading your comment.
it's okay. cowards need not apply.
Great way to beat fascism, just become fascist yourself!
i'd rather be stalin than in the gulag
Because only cowards would apply. Idiotic approach to the problem
Are these people verified in any way?
To what end? Violence? Are you going to be okay with hurting their children too?
Well the way things are currently, is that certain people get murdered and shit on for super arbitrary reasons, so uhh.
Yeah. Fuck em
i'm okay with any solution that provides a sustainable future in which we protect the quality of life for all living things. there is no perfect path towards that future, but without one, we will destroy no only ourselves but so many innocent creatures.
we are currently in a failed state of humanity. we need a reset.
You first.
why not together?
I find you dubious.
most do.
I would not doubt that like around where I live, they fly huge ass "Trump 2024" flags on their property making it obvious who they support.
I agree it doesn't help, though.
Fascists hide when they feel threatened. Don't give them the chance
Counterargument to your trash idea link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daryl_Davis
Por que no los dos? Mr. Davis does fine work. People can change, but until then others should be concerned for their safety around them.
You can tell a lot about that site, since Texas and New Hampshire are empty.
You mean that it's just getting started and grassroots? You got it! Still very new and spreading the word.
Interesting people still don't understand the paradox of tolerance or fascism and anti-fascism. They are this close to loosing their democracy but think there won't be any political violence from the fascists.
I'd bring up the various nonaggression pacts made with fascists in the past, but so far I think it would fall on deaf ears. Tolerance leads to fascist control.
Disgusting. Please don’t participate in this.
"being safe is disgusting!" ok bootlicker.
You're making a targeted list of private citizens based on their political ideologies. You're doing the boots job for them.
Not only that but doing exactly what the fucking article is calling out at heinous
there is absolutely nothing to gain in war by taking the high road
What fucking war?
The culture war, you know, the one where a lot of folks think it's great we have things like birth control and public transportation and stuff.
And then a few other folks that think -basically, boiled down the real truth of it- that everyone that isn't a white male should be a slave to white males.
Obviously the best way to fight this is education, which a particular side has been hellbent on destroying, and considering what I was taught in public school, has been pretty effective about it.
Does it get to their wet dream of wantonly murdering folks in the street like they fantasize about? Well, we lost more people on our side in the 2020 protests than they did.
Probably something to with believing people are humans, and should be treated with dignity.
So get some goddamn guns and go to the range. I'd rather have it and not need it, and know how to fucking use it
Once again, I understand the best way to win is education. My short patience and compassion is entirely spent on people near me, so if you can go around teaching ignorant morons right from wrong please do. They already know. Their in-group lets them get away with it
Okay. Noted. I'll talk to my 70 year old grandma and the gym bro in his 50s that you speak of that are clearly in the mindset to listen to what I have to say about trump being a monster..cause that is how we're doing it right?
you're so close
I do this all the time. I talk genuinely and calmly about politics with people that are interested. The way you are phrasing things is the same way my 74 year old grand mother who binges fox news all day (as much as a retired woman can) phrases things. This is a media problem. Not a individual people problem.
hi. welcome to western civilization. you see, there's been this struggle going on for some time now between altruism and narcissism, aka conservatism and liberalism, aka leftist vs. right wing, and in the last few decades it's gotten pretty heated (it's done this before) and so yeah... the future of civilization is kinda hanging in the balance so maybe it's time for you to realize that:
Buddy. It might be time to put down the Internet for a while. This shit isn't new and has been going on as long as civilizations have had a democracy. This isn't new, this isn't even kinda old, this shits so staged it's pretty clear your being propagandized to and you've been hooked.
Give me a fucking break my guy. "iTs A wAr. PiCk A fUcKiNg SiDe."
oh riiiight. this is all just political theater. let me guess... trump is just an actor to make the republican party look bad so kamala gets elected.
Ughh. Just fuck off with it.
Well when fascism starts being oppressed instead of being the oppressor, I'll worry about your opinion.
This is not a left-right, one group vs another group, fascism against democracy argument. This is a well documented moral and philosophical conclusion that you don't give tools like these to a governing body or organization. The targets and terminology always get corrupted by bad-faith actors over time. You would not have control over how this information gets used nor the validity if someone just "placed" a sign for the photo so they would be targeted.
You are self-reporting to a system that has the ability to become oppressive, use your time more wisely if you wish to promote a good cause. https://go.kamalaharris.com/ has remote volunteering with phone banking etc and has training you can take and local events if that's your shtick.
You realize this information is all freely and publicly available? A tool to be safe from fascists being abused by bad actors is still a tool to be safe from fascists. I'm not responsible for the actions of bad actors because I supported a tool. If I am, then based on your recommendation of helping VP Harris's campaign, doesn't that make you responsible for the genocide she is actively supporting? Also, please do not assume that I am anti-Democrat or pro anything. I am anti-fascist. Do not assume I'm not calling/donating/volunteering. This is just one facet of trying to help.
Why can't fascists use this tool to network with each other?
Also, it would be more effective to have a map of rapists and dangerous men imo. I could and would contribute significantly to that type of list. A lot of wealthy men who are rapists are also white supremacists. I don't think I've ever been sexually assaulted by someone who WASN'T revealed to be racist.
because they already use Facebook/Twitter/TikTok/Prisons/Police Forces/etc.?
The link was one example of something you can link as actually helpful and not detrimental to the democratic process. Making lists of political opponents (and especially citizens) is a fascists move, you're using the tools of the master to try and take down the house. If you support a tool being abused by bad actors, you need to look into that tool. Just because you're ignorant of the situation doesn't mean you aren't complicit.
Are you looking in the mirror when you say that?
EDIT - I don't agree with your opinion, and you don't agree with mine. I don't think we're going to get much more from our conversation. Respond if you want, but have a good day, and I hope you have good luck with your future endeavours.