To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
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I used to get Cartoon Network as a kid. I watched Outlaw Star and really enjoyed it. However, in one of the later episodes they crowbarred in a topless jacuzzi scene for no reason.
That sums up my anime experience.
I watched Dragon Ball Z and a bit of Gundam Wing but never really enjoyed them.
I bump into Dragon Ball Z fans occasionally and they're pushing 35 and have themed pillows etc. I think that is mad but I've met more than one person like that.
I have no themed things in my house nor would in buy any.
P.S. I enjoyed Samurai Jack and often say "Long ago in a different land" randomly to my partner.
Any recommendations based on the above?
Try Noir. It's a crime thriller about a pair of assassins who stumble into a conspiracy. Never tries to be sexy even though the leads are women in their early twenties. Has a bit of that Samurai Jack energy where there often isn't much dialogue and it's carried by action and the musical score. Also never went past cult classic status so you're not likely to run into creepy fans. Or any fans, really.
So you hate it because of tits?
crowbarred in
I think when they said that, the implication was that there was no need for such. I.e. it interrupted the flow of the story and didn't add anything useful, other than perhaps pandering to a certain crowd.
It was like corporate said "You've gone 6 episodes and we haven't seen the antagonists tits. Spin the wheel... Add a hot tub to their space ship and have a bath scene for no reason."