I went on a bit of a rant during a recent low point personally, but still hold the opinion.
Reddit is full of people who want to be right and don't understand when a discussion is over. Constant misreading of comments to fit their narrative or enable them to try to correct, even if it doesn't make any sense, but they have to have the last word.
People actually make comments rather than the same 10 jokes reused over and over.
I don't feel like I can hold a decent conversation where my mind can be broadened or changed like here or traditional forums, it's just an opportunity to hyperfocus on one thing for upvotes.
I once got a reply on reddit to a comment I had made ten years earlier. I looked at the person's comment history, and every single comment that I botheted to look at was a reply to things that were at least five years old. Reddit is not only full of weirdos, it's full or weirdos who will put in tremendous effort to be weirdos. I'm glad I purged my history on there.