Concord has been user tagged as "politics" on steam for having non-white LGBTQ+ characters
Concord has been user tagged as "politics" on steam for having non-white LGBTQ+ characters
Concord has been user tagged as "politics" on steam for having non-white LGBTQ+ characters
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These are the subset of gamers that piss me off to no end... The early access game review bombing for poor optimization numbnuts are their own kind of special, but these folks just thrive on hatred...
Every fucking steam discussion has a "WoKe GaMe?" Post...
Reich wing propaganda working it's way through society... We can thank Steve Bannon partially for wanting to aim for indoctrinating "rootless white male gamers"
The early access game review bombing for poor optimization
imo don't do early access if you don't want real criticism, it was supposed to be the whole reason you release in EA in the first place not just as a marketing hype generator
Why is fucking Sony releasing games in early access to begin with
I don't mean the so-called "AAA" dev/publisher early access that is like 4 days before release (read: exploiting those with little patience.)
I mean the steam, often indie dev, "early access" that runs for a year plus because they're using the early access to address bugs and to help optimize.
to help optimize.
I think I've lost the plot, how would they know they need to optimize if nobody were to tell them? Obviously there are good ways and bad ways to write criticism, but again if you release a game early its going to happen.
Pretty much what you said. There are good and bad ways to say it. Review bombing and flipping out in the discussions is not the way, those are the people I was referring to though in my initial comment. Unfortunately there are way too many of them out there. :/
Early access has been abused so much that devs are mostly forced to use EA in order to make a soft release.
And not all indie devs are saints, why should you be able to charge any money for a literal alpha prototype? We are now paying to be not even beta but alpha testers?
Again EA abuse completely destroyed the software developement foundations behind most indie devs. Way too many of them work on their game for a year and then release a crappy alpha.
20 years ago the idea would be laughed at, today we pay money for any half decent prototype with slightly better than Unity Asset store models. That is the lowest barrier of entry and its understandable people have become cynical.
Of course there are EA success stories obviously, from single devs that get it right to big "indie" studios but those are the exception.
I think there are also quite a few devs that hide behind the "oh its still early access, there is still time" to hide behind their incompetence and/or unwillingless to fix bugs. Sometimes they'll keep making promises of new content, adding more and more stuff and never looking back at their engine bugs etcs as a result EA is not a guarantee of bug free release even if "done right". The devs may simply prioritize content over bugs.
Maybe my references are skewed, but I remember Minecraft's alpha was $5, beta was $10, and the full release I think was $20 or something. Which both seemed really fair price-wise but also made sense as to making buying a game early appealing because you're paying less for it; it's not an act of charity to buy a game in early access. Now they seem to be charging full price and are basically going "uwu, i'm a smol indie-dev" and asking for people to donate money and faith to someone they don't know because they're petit-bourgeois.
The softest of targets