Concord has been user tagged as "politics" on steam for having non-white LGBTQ+ characters
Concord has been user tagged as "politics" on steam for having non-white LGBTQ+ characters
Concord has been user tagged as "politics" on steam for having non-white LGBTQ+ characters
Gamers aren't being persecuted... but they should be.
The next five year plan - Building a really big school locker sufficient to house the entire gamer population.
I heard about the guy who have the biggest locker on planet, he's called Davy Jones.
Honestly Valve should do a purge on this shit. People who brigade tag things like this get banned from using Steam community features.
Tagging cop games villain protagonist is funny though
That and landlord sims lmao
Those libertarians could never lift a finger for anything like this.
Ah yes the two races, white and POLITICAL.
Just like the two genders, male and political.
Or the two sexual orientations, straight and political.
When you're used to privellage equality feels like persecution.
I see the "politics" and "political simulator"(!!!) on its steam page, that's just run of the mill multi fps shooter. Do they even moderate the tags there?
This is probably going to piss off people who actually want to play political sim and games about politics.
There's an argument to be made that GG was responsible for neo-fascism blooming in the west. In the very least it was a big push to getting Trump elected and establishing the alt-right.
One thing that struck me about the Jan 6 riot is that, especially compared to the 2017 unite the right rally, everyone was fucking old. My read on that is that Facebook and itβs corresponding propaganda style has been much more fertile ground for activating reactionaries IRL than 4chan and Reddit has. Thereβs definitely millions and millions of gamer chuds, but they seem over represented online and underrepresented in voting booths, protests and riots
I think it helped create a formula for right wing radicalization.
This game has looked like a complete dud that no one asked for to me from everything I've seen, but of course the vast majority of gamer complaints have seemed to be just frothing about WOKE DEI ESG
I recently realized that the vast majority of content that this crowd whines about isnβt very good on its own merits. For example, The Acolyte, which was middling at best from what I watched, got it hard from the Star Wars reactionary fans while Andor, which has an only slightly less diverse cast, did not. This indicates to me that while these people are sincere racists and probably really do believe that diverse casting signals a conspiracy against the white race, they also lack conviction and will fall silent if the treats are tasty enough.
what makes it even worse is that hollywood execs know when their movies/tv shows are shaping up to be total shit, and they purposefully lean into the culture war stuff to try and cause controversy and get free marketing. They also love using diverse casts as a shield, when they know they have a total stinker they think to themselves "well let's at least make it filled with didactic liberal moralism" to shield themselves from criticism. That way when they get negative reviews for their absolute trash movie they can blame it on the reactionary review bombers, when it would have gotten bad reviews anyway
Itβs always been like this. I remember YouTube Skeptiks losing their mind when the all-female Ghostbusters was a flop.
It apparently started development when Overwatch came out.
I really wish the vast majority of "hero shooters" were just co-op games. Sweaty PvP is so done for me. That's part of the reason I like Warframe and Wayfinder and other "hero" style games. I like saving the day with the homies. These Concord characters all look fine to me, I think they'd make for fun co-op heroes
Exactly dude, "hero" games I think get a bad rap cause they are all just Overwatch-clones or Overwatch adjacent (which is reductive but you know what I mean). I think the "hero" genre could do really do well to step out of "pushing the cart" or "holding the control point". Like with most genres there is a lot of room to explore if you took even a step and a half outside the existing boundaries.
How's Wayfinder so far? Heard it kinda had a rocky start but I'm interested in the art style and gameplay loop
Political SIM FPS???
Only one of those I can think of is JFK reloaded
Yeah it actually sounds like an interesting mix of genres
These are the subset of gamers that piss me off to no end... The early access game review bombing for poor optimization numbnuts are their own kind of special, but these folks just thrive on hatred...
Every fucking steam discussion has a "WoKe GaMe?" Post...
Reich wing propaganda working it's way through society... We can thank Steve Bannon partially for wanting to aim for indoctrinating "rootless white male gamers"
The early access game review bombing for poor optimization
imo don't do early access if you don't want real criticism, it was supposed to be the whole reason you release in EA in the first place not just as a marketing hype generator
Why is fucking Sony releasing games in early access to begin with
The softest of targets
Early access has been abused so much that devs are mostly forced to use EA in order to make a soft release.
And not all indie devs are saints, why should you be able to charge any money for a literal alpha prototype? We are now paying to be not even beta but alpha testers?
Again EA abuse completely destroyed the software developement foundations behind most indie devs. Way too many of them work on their game for a year and then release a crappy alpha.
20 years ago the idea would be laughed at, today we pay money for any half decent prototype with slightly better than Unity Asset store models. That is the lowest barrier of entry and its understandable people have become cynical.
Of course there are EA success stories obviously, from single devs that get it right to big "indie" studios but those are the exception.
I think there are also quite a few devs that hide behind the "oh its still early access, there is still time" to hide behind their incompetence and/or unwillingless to fix bugs. Sometimes they'll keep making promises of new content, adding more and more stuff and never looking back at their engine bugs etcs as a result EA is not a guarantee of bug free release even if "done right". The devs may simply prioritize content over bugs.
Maybe my references are skewed, but I remember Minecraft's alpha was $5, beta was $10, and the full release I think was $20 or something. Which both seemed really fair price-wise but also made sense as to making buying a game early appealing because you're paying less for it; it's not an act of charity to buy a game in early access. Now they seem to be charging full price and are basically going "uwu, i'm a smol indie-dev" and asking for people to donate money and faith to someone they don't know because they're petit-bourgeois.
This comment style with the gifs and pictures just wedged into the text is so fucking ugly and cringy. It's a quarter-step above comments that are 90% emojis.
They latched on to it because it's total dogshit.
It's a Sony title that didn't crack 700 concurrent players on its first day.
Now there's two possible reasons for this, one is that it's a shitty looking generic paid pvp hero game. There's literally half a dozen better free options with already existing communities and player bases.
The other possibility is that it's because there's characters in it that aren't straight white males.
It would be like saying that the reason Steven Segal movies aren't popular is because it stars a straight white guy and not because it's a dogshit product by a dogshit person that looks worse than half a dozen free readily available options.
It's a Sony title that didn't crack 700 concurrent players on its first day.
Holy molly. You gotta wonder how many of these failed "games-as-a-service" attempts are black spots on these companies balance sheet that they cover with profits from actually good single player games, and yet they keep trying
It's because it's shit and an easy target as a result.
Anything that's bad is because of le woke. They ignore it in anything good.
I sincerely wish the sight of these groups causes intense psychic backlash and physical pain. This will be extra funny considering the vast majority of the world is non white. Maybe this explains why they're adamant to vote fuckers that wanna accelerate climate catastrophe especially since it will hit the global south the hardest first.
Gamers should be shot
Much like whiteness being the absence of race, reactionaries want you to see them as the absence of politics.
Hmm, I can add political to every game >.>
Every character in Concord looks like a background extra in a cheap sci-fi movie. They're very colorful but somehow completely generic and bland. And the game was advertised with unearned enthusiasm. "Hey, you get the opportunity to play this fun adventure game that is fun and enjoyable and adventurous. You'll get to play as the funny, spunky, in-your-face, funny, space character. Do you like that you consumer? We made this for you. This is stuff you like."
I saw it, saw the tags and was like nah. I thought community tags were different from the regular tags is that s something from 10 years ago lol