Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot?
Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot?
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Flying squid
but not in a good way.
Until this thread, I didnt realize so many Lemmy users had an issue with Flying Squid. Perhaps its because I tend to agree with a lot of his takes, but I just find him abrasive at worst. Like...unafraid to not sugarcoat an uncomfortable truth.
Dudes definitely everywhere though.
I've gotten into it with them at least once and seen some other questionable takes from them but nothing to a grudge over. They're just opinionated. It's fine. People take shit on the internet too seriously.
FlyingSquid believes that your internet browsing history should be made public if you are running for any political position. Worst take of all time.
What about for politicians who think your internet history should be public? ;)
Skip to the good bit:
Rumors of my only having good opinions about everything that everyone should agree with have been greatly exaggerated.
But if I have offended you by being wrong about something, I apologize.
Not offended, more just dumbfounded that someone could honestly not see how that is obviously a terrible idea.
See above, re me not always having good opinions about everything.
I cannot help being severely flawed. It comes with the whole homo sapiens thing.
But good for you not having any opinions most people in a certain community you're in disagree with. That must be very nice for you.
So what you are saying (through an incredibly thick layer of condescension) is that you know your belief is wrong. And instead of changing your belief, you would rather maintain it, knowing it is wrong. That's just bizarre.
You never asked me if I changed my belief. You decided I still hold it when you said, and I quote:
FlyingSquid believes that your internet browsing history should be made public if you are running for any political position. Worst take of all time.
Then again, I'm not the Flying Squid expert here.
I would have reasonably expected you to lead with that. You no longer belive that all politicians should be required to have their internet browsing history published?
If so, then I congratulate you on the personal growth.
They also beleive you shouldn't have a right to privacy and that your trauma does not exist
Holy cannoli squid, don't do that to your kid.
I've never seen them be out of pocket, just everywhere.
Fuck that guy.
Seems like he's gotten a little better lately.
Its going to sound silly, but I can't get past how confident he is and how quickly he posts. Noone makes good arguments with that little thought. At least thats my current theory on why he bothers me.
Who knows though maybe I'm projecting.
I also get annoyed at lightning fast responses. And I agree 100%
It takes no time or energy to come up with one answer to a question. I'm fact, I think most humans' brains are built for snap decisions like that.
But to weigh multiple answers against each other, poking holes in the answers you are most inclined to believe? That takes thought. And if someone is not doing that for you, then odds are, their brain is simply letting them take the discussion less seriously than your brain (or your morality) allows.
So I think you have every right to feel frustrated at such behavior.
Flying Asshole
Very much you saying Pot meet kettle
No, because of how they interacted on this post
Their the second person I hate on lemmy, the other one being stamets because they repsonded to me in an abrasive, rude, toxic and above others attitude
I really don't see a problem with how they interacted. And, as a step father, I agree that it's your job to embarrass your kids some as they grow.
I think they were much more level headed and calm than I would have been had I been at odds with so many people.
But hey, everyone is allowed their own opinions.
Be careful pointing that out on forums they moderate or they'll ban you for "mod harassmenr."
Power users and power mods are cancer.
I don't see the issue?