Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot?
Are there any "famous" Lemmy users?
Like users that are known for a gimmick or that everyone sees alot? is a meme god. keeps history alive and the Confederacy in check. is our resident owl afficionado.
There are many others, of course, but I seem to notice these three a lot in my Subscribed feed. and both post a shitpile of news articles.
My dear, sweet posts so many science memes it makes my head spin has just completely become the account keeping historical memes and historical illustration communities going, which I very much appreciate.
Along with those already mentioned, my personal heroes are people who keep communities alive: posts comics daily to ! and others keeps ! going posts regularly about ! has been killing it on !
Thanks but lately you and other subscribers have been posting a lot too!
Love you, but I spazzed out recently after a full year of pressing too hard for a 'post per day,' and I feel like I dishonored everyone here when I melted down recently. (I'm super-embarrassed)
So I appreciate the mention, but regardless of how I embarrassed the community, I can't aim for one scholarly post per day, anymore. I just can't. Sorry about that, matey.
Now I do plan to keep on posting as the mood seeks me, but I just CAN'T keep the community popular like this, all on my own. Even just a little bit of help would go far.
Ugh, sorry for all the bitching and moaning. :S Posts daily to !
You and everyone else who keeps communities alive are all appreciated!
I love !
There are a few other animal communities too, like !
DBZer0, aka Divide By Zer0. He runs an instance with the same name. He's one of the old mods on r/piracy and helped lead an exodus over to Lemmy
Also great contribution to make Lemmy a safer place
Awww, thanks. It stands for "Divided by Zer0" btw ;)
TIL what the "DB" stands for, I thought it was for "database" lol
Yea, I did, too. I thought there was some kind of joke about not having a database.
DB0 is the goat has been a constant presence who seemingly posts at all hours of the day, probably the biggest Lemmy "celebrity" that I can think of.
I hear academy award nominated actress margot robbie is here sometimes.
Well, just as long as we don't end up stuck with george clooney.....the smug bastard.
I see a lot of posts from
They post good memes, insightful comments, moderates a few communities I think.
probably not a real squid though, I don't think they got internet in the ocean
probably not a real squid though
I am currently visiting some friends I've been talking to on a forum for years but have never met. We've all been really close despite that. It's sort of a three-day forum party and it's been amazing.
Why do I bring this up?
I needed a shirt to wear for the first day so I didn't have to keep telling people who I was and I found the perfect shirt. (Excuse the crease, I took the picture the day after.)
Edit: are the downvoters disillusioned by the revelation of my false endoskeleton?
I just played a metroidvania called death's door, and in one section you go to a restaurant where the cook is a squid puppeting a dead guy as a disguise. Thought you'd be interested (starts at about 14:20 if the time stamp doesn't work)
I have seen their name a lot, and though I think I share similar opinions with them on a lot of things, I find they tend to be more condescending and insulting for my particular preference.
He also uses the fact that he is a mod to bully people. He just holds it over the conversation at times to force it to go the way he wants.
Checks community's modlist
I've seen them a lot as well, but personally in my interactions, I've found them to be abrasive, narrow minded, and eager to take things personally. Lowkey don't mind that, it's not the internet if everyone is some polite bland npc.
But add mod powers for many communities and...
I dislike flying squid because of how they interacted on that one post with comic involving double standards on pictures of children
Denying people's trauma and right to not have those images be shown to others without permission is not a nice thing
No love for ? They're not always the best troll, but man are they prodigious.
Putting their comments aside, I think it's really impressive how they came up with the perfect four word combination to blue-screen my brain every time.
Perhaps it's just that their username is unforgettable, so you notice it when it appears. Definite Rimjob Steve territory.
One of the only names in this thread I recognize
I asked my mom and she didn't really understand what Lemmy is but she assured me that I am the coolest person on here.
An autographed headshot will run you $20
Why would I want a photograph of your mom?
Why wouldn't you? She's awesome.
Either you‘re way less popular than you think of or a medical marvel you can still type after at least one headshot. obviously
Is that the actual actress? If so, how the fuck did she wind up here?
There are some infamous ones for the amount of misinformation they post.
It's funny to see you comment here because I was literally coming to this thread to mention that I see you in seemingly every comment chain and thus consider you "Lemmy-famous."
"Lemmy infamous" even
I really hope Lemmy eventually gets significant enough attention that Whang! does a video about stuff that happens here, so I can hear him say your screen name out loud.
If you vote me down, I shall become more famous than you can possibly imagine.
No I am more famous than you will ever be.
Flying squid
but not in a good way.
Flying Asshole
Very much you saying Pot meet kettle
No, because of how they interacted on this post
Their the second person I hate on lemmy, the other one being stamets because they repsonded to me in an abrasive, rude, toxic and above others attitude
I really don't see a problem with how they interacted. And, as a step father, I agree that it's your job to embarrass your kids some as they grow.
I think they were much more level headed and calm than I would have been had I been at odds with so many people.
But hey, everyone is allowed their own opinions.
Be careful pointing that out on forums they moderate or they'll ban you for "mod harassmenr."
Power users and power mods are cancer.
I don't see the issue?
Special shoutout to who's on point with the opossum memes. is quite famous in the Lemmy Startrek Lore, but less active lately probably due to big real-life changes happening, I wish them well.
The big changes are mostly just that I work new hours which are weird for lemmy posting. I've been trying to find a way to get back into it more easily. I do miss posting so much :(
Can't say it's not weird as shit though to think that that I'm even slightly "famous"
And I do appreciate it <3 genuinely
it's probably best not to force it. Early in the Reddit migration, frequent posting kept people coming back, but you don't want to turn it into "your" communities. Shifting to quality over quantity is never a bad move either :)
Thank you for your work!
No problem and glad to hear you're still around! You were there with the memes and shitposts when Lemmy needed it most, I think that deserves recognition. Keep taking things at a pace you feel comfortable with, your life comes first.
Tens of thousands of people know who you are. At least your online persona. And generally think good things about you!
+1 for, they are the primary poster in all of the niche subs I creep.
Shout out to !, !, and !
Hear hear. For better or for worse those opossum memes really resonate with me
I dislike stamets because they responded to me in a toxic, rude, abrasive and above others attitude when I disagreed with them on their stance that spirituality and religon (which are seperate things) should be banned in the future entirely, it was related to start trek discussion
I disagree with that because I beleive people should have freedom to practice their religous beleifs or spiritual beleifs as long as they are not harming others
The harming of others should definitely be dealt with if someone does decide to harm others based on their beleifs but many people practice spiritual or religous beleifs without harming others
(Edit: Misclicked reply) the attitude part is pretty common for Lemmy users: passionate, with strong views enough to migrate away from the mainstream. You are free to dislike Stamets or anyone else. It's still important to understand that nobody's perfect, no need to have one's flaws be used to tank the good accomplishments they've done for the platform.
The user with an AI copyright notice on every one of their posts is one of my favorite "gimmicks".
Is it just one person? I tend to not read usernames. I just find that notice amusing as the only result it will have is that some ai-generated comments will one day start to have that notice in them as well.
I've seen at least a couple different users with that, but I wouldn't be able to recall their usernames offhand.
The notice really reminds me of the Facebook chain posts where people would post a declaration saying that facebook couldn't use your data/likeness if you share the post text.
If ai companies are unabashed about scraping and training on copywrited material from litigious companies like the nyt, I really don't get how anyone convinces themselves that anything they append to their comments would stop a scraper.
Yes I've seen them too. Utterly pointless lmao
that's @onlinepersona i believe although I dunno what instance is their home. They seem nice
I am quite famous in my house. Pretty much everyone here knows me.
I dig it.
In ! is very present.
In the german meme community ! , and are very well known.
Ada from Lemmy Blahaj Zone is quite infamous for the bad takes and arbitrary bans
Satan's Maggoty Cum Fart always gets a laugh from me
Ada is a strange one yeah. I remember them because instead of just generally deciding they didn't want to federate with lemmynsfw, she accused the admins of lemmynsfw of allowing CSAM when that turned out to be from a confirmed adult model that just happened to have a smaller body, and when she found that out she doubled down. That's such a weird take from a supposedly pro LGBTQ+ lemmy admin, considering that accepting of people of all shapes and sizes is a core tenet of being LGBTQ+.
One time I posted a meme on Blahaj in which someone named was attacking a trans person. Ada sent me a message about it saying I was attacking a real trans person. There is no real trans person named Obvious_Troll. I made up that username for the meme. Ada defended a fictional transphobic troll, because they were from Hexbear.
How many of yall read this entire thread and were disapointed or glad you didnt find your own name.
It might be egotistical but I was hoping I'd made a mark in Lemmy culture.
Not really because I'm not aiming to be famous on lemmy, that takes effort and I'd hate doing that
I'm just on lemmy to use it like any other social media
I did find my own name and am both disappointed and glad.
I'm here. You're here. Let's you and me be the new celebrities.
Sorry, I couldn't vote for you. You double-space after periods!
It's marginally easier to read, and it costs me nothing. I've been typing this way for forty years, and it takes me longer to try to single space after periods. Why should I change? I'm not asking anyone else to do it, but I'm not going to unlearn something that doesn't affect anyone else.
So that's my thing. I'm the double space after periods guy. I'll also argue with you about State's Rights and the Civil War, the correct pronunciation of the word "gif," and why imperial units remain popular despite the "obvious" superiority of metric. I also have some inflammatory opinions about conservativism, but those aren't nearly as controversial as the other ones.
As they should!
Have your people send my people an autograph.
I'm ready for my transformation!
Oh, wait you said celebrities. Not cenobites. Nvm
Do either one of you go on long rambling on-topic stories, only to talk about the undertaker throwing mankind off the hell in a cell in nineteen ninety eight?
Seems like a lot of effort.
That guy that has letters from blue squares.
kol-something? I think it's kolanaki but I never get it right. They're definitely eye-catching in the web UI, even if I don't see them all that often. I kinda get the feeling I misunderstand them a lot.
That guy seems like he's everywhere.
I think their name was "SatansMaggotyCumFart" or something like that?
They helped me with a DIY question!
FlyingSquid(I don't know on which instance he is, but you see him quite often).
Careful interacting with FlyingSquid. I refused to be drawn into an argument with them and was banned from World News which they moderate.
I've had good and bad interactions with them, so I just think "hey they are flawed (hopefully) human beings that have good days and bad days". Chances are if I treat them (or anyone) kindly, the interaction will be positive.
My goal online is to try and be a wholesome user, although that doesn't always happen. I usually delete my comments when I don't like how I acted with someone else as I want to remind myself to take a kinder approach to Lemmy. There's enough toxicity online.
I think "would Mr. Rodgers approve?"
FlyingSquid seems to have alot of accounts on different instances
He's on Lemmy world
Isn't FlyingSquid a she?
I don't know. for this post: for running ! for running ! for running !
P.S. Mizu's poop post is really nice study in how the content prevails in fediverse. The original post on throws an error, that is linked in r/ no longer works, but I found a copy on
Haha, the poop post! I remembered commenting in that thing, but it might have been from my kbin account before I hopped to .world
You need only glance at my main account,, to see I do a bit more than that.
! is another community I thoroughly enjoy growing.
I've noticed contributes to the community a lot!
Blaze has been great for growing Lemmy communities through contribution to communities like
! and
I'll second Blaze - very enthusatic about making Lemmy great.
Oh yeah! They're kinda everywhere
Clearly me. I am a tiny little youtuber and streamer who wants this place to succeed, so I lurk, I post and don't have a presence on the big platforms.
So if I ever make it big, I can help drive users here. You just wait! It'll happen any day now!
The world is your stage
Imperor-Head here. I can't believe it's really you!
Damn, the Impire truly has it's tendrils everywhere!
I'm kind of a big deal.
I can’t believe you’re here honestly, wow
That kolanak yiffit guy I see everywhere
SAME! I see them literally everywhere, it's insane.
They stick out because of the use of emoji letters lol
He's our resident furry
All the star trek guys
I'm not a huge Star Trek person, but it really is one of the best communities here with some of the best people.
Except me apparently, if you read the rest of this thread.
People have their reasons for disliking you and I agree with them because my experience with you matches what they are saying flyingsquid
I came to dislike you because of the way you acted in this post, and help a lot to keep ! active
I'm huge in japan
Like Godzilla.
I got the style, but not the grace
I got the clothes, but not the face
I got the bread, but not the butter
I got the window, but not the shutter
But hey I'm big in Japan
But, have you met a Tiny Japanese Girl?
There are definitely some that I see around a lot, eg. PugJesus or that guy with the emoji name that starts with a K
Also, The Picard Maneuver
Yup that's the one
I'm always seeing TexasDrunk on here. But maybe it's just that Texas stands out to me since I'm from there.
I'm Burt Reynolds.
Username does not check out.
What up burtt, long time fan! Is it true what they say about Sally fields? Ya know?? That freaky thing??
That one user who started that no pooping meme or whatever its called
Flyingsquid, pugjesus, maven, the_picard_maneuver, fossilesque, satansmaggotycumfart, and jeffw just to name a few.
Maybe its just me, but I see moon a lot. They post sovereign citizen stuff, which is what i see regularly, but they are also a pretty good poet.
Saving this thread so i can update my blocklist!
I see constantly, and it trips me up every time because when I met my wife online twelve years ago, her username was MyOpinionIs. Not sure that they're famous, though..
I think it's the blue checkmark that always draws my eyes.
Famous enough. :)
I think me all joking aside I think is the closest to one due to seeing him everywhere
Don't know their exact names...
Instant Noodles on
Someone with blue emojis spelling and starting with a K (Kola or Kol or something)
Jeffw is locally famous. Posting content and commenting. (Sorry, can’t figure out how to grab the user name link on this app)
Its me that guy in the thing has a blue name and posts a lot were fairly prominent for a while with !
I am his distant cousin
I see,, and a lot
Is this what it's like when your ship comes in? Who's the worthless nobody now, dad!?
😞 I guess I’m not as clever as I thought
Not me. I think counts. A good friend who is famous for participating and fascinated with every activity I'll never do lol
Oh that's funny! I literally just interacted with them yesterday. Very amicable.
The_Picard_Maneuver is the real MVP of Lemmy, a source of so much joy.