oh man the convention is going to be an absolute shit show. There’s no way for the democrats come out of this looking like anything other than usurpers of the democratic process.
Because you don’t vote for the VP choice in the primary, you vote for the president and they pick their VP later. Installing Kamala this way looks like, the party leaders wanted Kamala and used this as the way to get around the pesky “will of the voters” part that kept her out of the running in the first place in 2020.
I see what you're saying but I disagree - we already had this play out in the sham of a primary. The party leaders wanted Biden, and they avoided the will of the voters by not running a primary at all in some states, or by running Biden unopposed.
I think most people who voted for Biden in the primary understood they were voting for Kamala as VP. I dont think this is how people are going to see the situation if Kamala is chosen. She certainly at least mitigates those feelings.
How much do you want to bed the lanyards are the ones to present the pick and their entire justification is, "we polled Democrats on these 4 candidates and our choice got the best (43%) approval!"? They will then call that democracy.