Forrest Galante on JRE speaks about his search for the Megatherium or the Peruvian giant ground sloth.
(18 Aug. 1961) Soviet Claims Discovery Of Part Of Lost Continent Lemuria
Episode 209 - The Enfield Poltergeist Part 1 - Serious Business
The Neomylodon or Giant Sloth may have been sighted by numerous people less than 150 years ago
The Haunted Sanitarium that Changed Us Forever
Interview With Mortician At Roswell Army Air Force Hospital (11/19/1990)
(1965) Dec. 9 - Downed 'Object' Aim of Pennsylvania Hunt
(1946) Operation High Jump: Big Navy Antarctic Force Poised With Planes and 5,000 Experts
(1933) U-BOAT CREW TELL OF A SEA MONSTER; Wartime Commander and Men Say They Saw One Like That Reported in Scotland.
(1968) U.F.O. in Sky Over Madrid Eludes Spanish Air Force
(1976) Steam Ship Sylvia L. Ossa and 37 Vanish In Bermuda Triangle On Voyage to U.S.
(1979) Soviet Submarine Surveys the Ampère Seamount - Photos allegedly showed stones that appeared to be worked by hand.
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