Not Deleting this community
Deleting this community
Says 'Everything in life is political', and turns every single conversation into politics. Believes in illuminati and all other related stuff, and calls me sheep if I disagree with her
Wife: Doesn't matter if I call our 7yo a whore. That's just something I say when I'm mad. She knows I love her, and she anyways doesn't know what a whore means.
Loves it when I spend two hours every day teaching her brother computer programming on video call, but would make my life hell for a week if she catches me talking to my brother.
Wife: Don't take our daughter for a walk, it's cold outside! Also, doesn't matter if its below zero, keep the car window down. I get carsick with all the windows closed
Wife: If you didn't want me to swear like a pirate in front of our 7yo, you shouldn't have made me mad!
Wife: Oh you injured your foot to the point you are extremely painful for two weeks and can't even sleep without pain? Don't go to the doctor, because doctors only want to make money.
Wife: Don't you dare use any air fresheners in the car. Inhaling the those fragrances is very harmful to us. Keep the windows down, you won't get any smells
My wife after the aloe she placed out in direct sun killed it
Oh it's 90 degrees outside? Keep the doors and windows open, and don't turn on the ac because I need fresh air!