What Anime? !whatanime@lemmy.world A community to help you discover anime sources through videos, images, or explanations of the anime you're searching for.
Disclaimer: This community is supposed to be the Lemmy version of r/whatanime from Reddit. I am not the original owner of that subreddit.
- NSFW posts are allowed as long as they are flagged with the NSFW flag.
- Any solved post must indicate that it has been solved via a title change. (at least till Lemmy gets a
tag/flair system)
- You might repost a query if it hasn't been solved in a week
- No spam
Instance-wide rules apply: https://lemmy.world/legal
Members 0 Posts 1 Active Today 1 Created 2 yr. ago Moderators
A community to help you discover anime sources through videos, images, or explanations of the anime you're searching for.
Disclaimer: This community is supposed to be the Lemmy version of r/whatanime from Reddit. I am not the original owner of that subreddit.
- NSFW posts are allowed as long as they are flagged with the NSFW flag.
- Any solved post must indicate that it has been solved via a title change. (at least till Lemmy gets a tag/flair system)
- You might repost a query if it hasn't been solved in a week
- No spam
Instance-wide rules apply: https://lemmy.world/legal
For all new members, read this guide before posting a query.
Hello there, welcome to c/whatanime. A community to help you find the source of anime or manga scenes you query.
Before posting your first query, you should look closely at the query you're going to post for any clues that might easily hint you to find the correct anime. If not, use these known reverse search engines (there are alot more, but I find these to be the best ones):
Additionally, you might try these below:
If reverse search engines fail, you might also try to search (if any) text that is present in the scene. (though this most likely won't work well)
If those fail, then you should consider posting a post here. Well then, have a nice day.
PS: Any questions can be asked in the comments for now.
PS 2: Though not very needed r