- How to effectively use Target Pinning
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I didn't realize that target pinning has had updates and actually functions in a certain way now. It's not the same as what it used to do, where it would show pinned targets on the HUD, but it does add priority numbers for multi-crew ships.
Also, shout out to BuzzCutPsycho for making a short video that is straight to the point.
- Star Citizen - Community Farewell to Port Olisar
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From inside the weekly update today, this is a really good fan-made production.
Here's the text of the letter at the end of the video:
>Port Olisar - The space station above Crusader with majestic views.
>Over the years you have become more than just a space station. You have become a beacon of Hope, Dreams, and aspirations of what is to come. A launching point for our adventures and the beginning of an era. We will miss you and all the memories you bring every time we see you.
>But fear not for us for we are moving towards the future on the path that you paved for us. And there will be a new angel in the sky watching over us - Seraphim
>This is not a farewell, my old friend, for I will search pyro and beyond till we meet again.
>When we do, I will be flooded with the memories of where this adventure began.
>-The Community
Go give Ezper a sub on YouTube and bump the post on the community hub. This content is worth it!
- Star Citizen Live: Arena Reborn, Part Three
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As an FPS enthusiast, it's nice to hear more discussion about Star Marine and things like capital ship boarding. They also addressed directly the issues with AC/SM servers and that they have a few critical issues to address to improve their performance.
The most exciting thing from this for me was the discussion around the possibility of using the experimental modes in AC/SM for a capital-ship boarding mode! It's great to seem them finally realizing the power of these modes and moving towards doing something with them.
- Inside Star Citizen: Behold... Seraphim!
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In the last ISC for this quarter of the year, CIG drops a massive drama bomb on the community with the reveal of how they will be replacing Port Olisar.