not much to say, i'm just thinking of making a setup of openbox in the future (i'll polish this one first, though!), been thinking of trying sparky on a usb as well
What the fuck is up with the title? you may ask, well here is your answer:
Me: Give me a title for a post of riverwm on unixporn
Title: "The Majestic RiverWM - A Visual Symphony of Unix Purity"
UnixPorn is known to showcase the beauty and power of the Unix operating system. This time,
we've got a visual treat for you all. Behold, the majestic RiverWM!
RiverWM is not just another window manager, but it's an intricate symphony that orchestrates
your Unix environment in a visually pleasing and functional manner. With its minimalistic
design, you can navigate through tabs with ease and enjoy the fluidity of this elegant
From the gentle flow of text to the mesmerizing cascade of windows, RiverWM is truly a visual
spectacle that pays homage to Unix's purity. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about
embracing the essence